Learning Together to Safeguard the City fortnight which is a new way of talking about how we all work together to keep people safe and well. It is delivered in partnership between the Safeguarding Adults Board, the Local Safeguarding Children Board and the Safe in the City Partnership Board, as well as Brighton & Hove City Council, other statutory partners including Sussex Police and Health, and a range of charities and community groups.
Today’s events
There are a range of learning events taking place this fortnight and you can View the full programme of events or visit Eventbrite to register for a free place. This runs alongside the 16 Days of Action for the Elimination of Violence against Women campaign and you can find out more about the events for this here.
Through out this fortnight we will be posting a series of Everybody’s Repsonsibility Blogs where key figures in the city will talk about what Safeguarding means to them. Today we speak to Luke Martin, Domestic & Sexual Violence and Violence Against Women and Girls Training and Awareness Officer for Brighton & Hove Partnership Community Safety Team
What part does safeguarding play within your role?
Similar to that of James Rowlands, my role is focused on the impact of crime types like domestic violence & abuse, rape sexual & abuse violence, as well as harmful practices such a forced marriage, female genital mutilation and so-called ‘honour’ based violence. My role is currently to develop a training and communications strategy across Brighton & Hove and to reflect this in to East Sussex through the Joint Partnership Unit.
I work with specialist services in the city to increase understanding and awareness of the risks posed by perpetrators of domestic and sexual abuse and violence against women and girls, and how we can safeguard the victims/survivors and those directly impacted by these crime types. We are looking to implement a ‘no wrong door’, ‘no missed chance’ approach. The aim is to upskill staff across the city to be able to identify domestic and sexual abuse and harmful practices and respond in a way that will reduce risk. There is no expectation that all staff will become domestic and sexual abuse and harmful practices experts, but will have knowledge to risk assess, basic safety plan and refer on to appropriate services.
What does safeguarding mean to you?
For me, safeguarding is increasing safety and reducing risk for those that are vulnerable. Having delivered frontline support for several years I have seen that it is always key to highlight to service users what safeguarding is. As professionals we use the term ‘safeguarding’ all the time, and there’s often an assumption that those we work with will also understand. As a professional we often have to break it down to the basics, measures put in place to keep a person or dependents of that person safe, often with multi-agency support. In my view, the more clarity and transparency we have with our clients around safeguarding the more at ease they feel with the process. This often increases engagement and reduces resistance.
What will you be taking away from Safeguarding the City fortnight?
Having been in post for 4 months, and being new to Brighton & Hove, I’m amazed at the collaborative work that has gone in from various departments and organisations to put together such an extensive programme of events. I am still learning the scope of many of the organisations and I will be using this as an opportunity to further my knowledge of what the city has to offer.
Luke is involved in many of the events for the 16 Days of Action for the Elimination of Violence against Women campaign, and will be presenting today’s Learning from Domestic Homicide Reviews event.
Help us spread the message that Safeguarding is Everyone’s Responsibility on Social Media during the Learning Together fortnight from 26 November – 10 December by downloading our Safeguarding is… or Everyones Responsibility signs and post a selfie under #EveryonesResponsibility or support us by sharing this tweet:
Has needs met within universal provision. May need limited intervention within the setting to avoid needs arising.
Has additional needs identified within the setting that can be met within identified resources through a single agency response and partnership working.
Has multiple needs requiring a multi-agency coordinated response.
Has a high level of unmet & complex needs, or is in need of protection.