The LSCB Multi-agency Training Programme 2017 – 18 is now out and courses are available to book on the Brighton & Hove Learning Gateway
Our three core safeguarding courses: Developing a Core Understanding, Assessment Referral & Investigation, and Child Protection Conferences and Core Groups, will be running throughout the year, and have been updated for 2017.
Many of our specialised safeguarding courses, that focus on a specific area of concern, have also been refreshed to incorporate recommendations from National SCRs and Local Learning Reviews. In particular we are pleased that The Impact of Parental Substance Misuse session now includes the experiences of a service user, and our Child Neglect session takes into account the findings from a recent multi-agency review on neglect.
We are continually developing our training offer to ensure that it meets the needs of safeguarding professionals in the city, and this year we have added two new courses to help improve the way we keep children safe:
9.30am-1.30pm on Thursday 14 September 2017 or Tuesday 20 February 2018.
This half day course will equip you with information and practical safeguarding guidance to help safeguard children and young people in the digital age. It will help you understand how they communicate on the internet and through apps, how offenders may exploit this and other risks, and what steps parents/carers can take to prevent online abuse and exploitation. Participants will also learn different sources of support from which they/children can seek information and advice. This course is run is association with Safety Net.
At the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:
Book your place on this training here
9.30-4.30pm on Thursday 15 June 2017
This training will help those professionals who talk to children and young people during the course of an assessment or child protection investigation develop and enhance their communication skills, centred on the views of the child or young person. The session will involve a young care leaver discussing how different kinds of communication impacted on their interaction with safeguarding professionals
At the end of this course participants will:
Book your place on this session here
June 2017
Would you like to add a training skill to your qualifications? Do you want to share your passion for safeguarding with other professionals? Then why not join the LSCB Training Pool. Our trainers come from a range of organisations across the city and deliver our multi agency training programme. The assorted skills and experience these professionals bring enhance face to face courses and are a great asset in the the development of new sessions and keeping our materials up to date.
We are running a certified five day “Train the Trainers” course to equip our new trainers with the necessary skills and confidence to deliver our training. You will need to be available on 20 / 26 /27 / 29 & 30 June, and need agreement from your line manager as there is an expectation that you will commit to delivering at least 3 days training per year and also attend the training pool meetings three times a year.
If you would like to discuss this opportunity please contact the LSCB Learning & Development Officer Dave Hunt at or call 01273 295993 for an informal chat.
Has needs met within universal provision. May need limited intervention within the setting to avoid needs arising.
Has additional needs identified within the setting that can be met within identified resources through a single agency response and partnership working.
Has multiple needs requiring a multi-agency coordinated response.
Has a high level of unmet & complex needs, or is in need of protection.