Pods – what’s in a name?

Next month it will be two years since the introduction of the Team Around the Relationship in Brighton & Hove Children’s Services and the move to Social Work “Pods”. The new structure was a crucial part of whole system change to support relationship-based practice, providing containment and collaboration for social workers to enable confident practice with families. Principal Social Worker, Tom Stibbs, reflects upon the service transformation since the introduction of the pods:


People often ask me why ‘pods’?  As part of thinking about the anniversary, I came across this e-mail I wrote two years ago last week which, while it may not answer that question, reflects on it.

“Lunchtime rambling number 1 – what’s in a name?

It has come up a number of times recently, including at yesterday’s Senior Leadership Team, that maybe we shouldn’t call the pods, ‘pods’.  That got me thinking about my own view and why I think it might be important and so I thought I would try to explain.

Firstly, I should say that it wasn’t my idea to call the pods, ‘pods’, and so I can’t claim this and it took me a bit to get used to it but it has definitely grown on me.  The main reason I think it is important we keep the word ‘pods’ is that we are trying to implement cultural transformation and as part of this we need people to embrace change.  This was one of the reasons that we were clear that we needed new roles and job titles such as Pod Managers not Team Managers or Practice Managers.  I think that people have begun to embrace this change and one of the important ways that they have done this is by their use of language and specifically the word ‘pod’.  No-one talks about when we implement our service redesign, people talk about ‘when we move to the pods’ or ‘when we are in the pods’.  ‘The pods’ is how people talk about and see the new way of working we have encouraged them to help us to develop.  If ‘pod managers’ are ‘team managers’ didn’t we have them before, aren’t they part of the way we used to do things?

Secondly, the reason we chose pod, I think, is because of its link to the Munro review and the Hackney Model and the work that Morning Lane Associates continue to do – and while our model has differences to the Hackney Model it does show the heritage of our model and its link to the thinking behind ‘Reclaiming Social Work’.  Originally Munro talked about social work units or pods, and I think that in comparison to unit, pod sounds less clinical or military.

Thirdly people have raised concerns that it sounds like something to do with dolphins or something to do with iPods and I think that this is actually one of the strengths of the name as it does reflect the current use across organisations, and especially social enterprises, of language which suggests a new way of thinking about organisational structures and organisational management which is much less hierarchical and is more organic, complex and creative. Pods are about something which is independent but also part of a wider, complex system and so this recognises that our new structure is not a simple, hierarchical system. 

Another suggestion has been ‘groups’ but again, for me, this seems a bit clinical and military and not reflective of the Team Around the Relationship model.

I know that it is the new way of working that is important and not what we call it and so I am happy to be persuaded that there are better names but now I am going to eat my sandwich, which does genuinely include peas ….!”

All of this was expressed, much more articulately, by Professor Gillian Ruch in her presentation to our Relationships in Practice conference in May 2016, Pods, people and professional practice: developing containing organisations, which really did answer the question – why ‘pods’?

If you want to reflect in more detail on how we are doing and the impact of the pods don’t forget to read, and respond to, ‘Empathy, tenacity and compassion’: an evaluation of relationship-based practice in Brighton & Hove.


If you have any comments on Tom’s blog, please contact him at tom.stibbs@brighton-hove.gcsx.gov.uk or follow him on twitter @TStibbs 



  • 1. Universal

    Has needs met within universal provision. May need limited intervention within the setting to avoid needs arising.

  • 2. Early Help

    Has additional needs identified within the setting that can be met within identified resources through a single agency response and partnership working.

  • 3. Early Help Partnership Plus

    Has multiple needs requiring a multi-agency coordinated response.

  • 4. Specialist Services to address Acute & Chronic need

    Has a high level of unmet & complex needs, or is in need of protection.

  • Child developmental needs
    • Good attendance (above 90%)
    • ×

      Good attendance (above 90%)


      Good attendance (above 90%)

    • Meeting developmental & learning milestones
    • ×

      Meeting developmental & learning milestones


      Meeting developmental & learning milestones

    • Has emotional well-being
    • ×

      Has emotional well-being


      Has emotional well-being

    • Ability to protect self and be protected
    • ×

      Ability to protect self and be protected


      Ability to protect self and be protected

    • Resilient and able to adapt to change
    • ×

      Resilient and able to adapt to change


      Resilient and able to adapt to change

    • Physically healthy
    • ×

      Physically healthy


      Physically healthy

    • Age-appropriate self care & independence skills
    • ×

      Age-appropriate self care & independence skills


      Age-appropriate self care & independence skills

    • Ability to express needs
    • ×

      Ability to express needs


      Ability to express needs

  • Child developmental needs
    • Absence/truancy from school    
    • ×

      Absence/truancy from school


      Absence/truancy from school

    • Incidence of absence/missing from home    
    • ×

      Incidence of absence/missing from home

    • Persistent poor behaviour in school  
    • ×

      Persistent poor behaviour in school


      Persistent poor behaviour in school

    • Risk of social exclusion    
    • ×

      Risk of social exclusion


      Risk of social exclusion

    • Poor relationships  
    • ×

      Poor relationships


      Poor relationships

    • Language and communication difficulties  
    • ×

      Language and communication difficulties


      Language and communication difficulties

    • Disability or additional special educational needs    
    • ×

      Disability or additional special educational needs


      Disability or additional special educational needs

    • Difficulty in achieving in education  
    • ×

      Difficulty in achieving in education


      Difficulty in achieving in education

    • Potential for becoming Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET)    
    • ×

      Potential for becoming Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET)


      Potential for becoming Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET)

    • Slow in meeting developmental milestones    
    • ×

      Slow in meeting developmental milestones


      Slow in meeting developmental milestones

    • Missing health checks/immunisations    
    • ×

      Missing health checks/immunisations

    • Minor health problems  
    • ×

      Minor health problems


      Minor health problems

    • Early signs of offending/anti-social behaviour  
    • ×

      Early signs of offending/anti-social behaviour


      Early signs of offending/anti-social behaviour

    • Underage sexual activity    
    • ×

      Underage sexual activity

    • Early signs of drug/alcohol misuse    
    • ×

      Early signs of drug/alcohol misuse

    • Poor self-esteem    
    • ×

      Poor self-esteem

    • Low level emotional & behavioural issues that may be linked to attachment and/or emotional development delay    
    • ×

      Low level emotional & behavioural issues that may be linked to attachment and/or emotional development delay

    • Young carers    
    • ×

      Young carers

    • Bullying    
    • ×




    • Children who have previously been in Care, and children living away from their birth parents e.g adopted children, Special Guardianship Orders, Kinship Care.  
    • ×

      Children who have previously been in Care, and children living away from their birth parents e.g adopted children, Special Guardianship Orders, Kinship Care.


      Children who have previously been in Care, and children living away from their birth parents e.g adopted children, Special Guardianship Orders, Kinship Care.

  • Child developmental needs
    Despite intervention at 2, there is evidence of continuing and escalating need:
    • Persistent absence from school    
    • ×

      Persistent absence from school


      Persistent absence from school

    • Missing from school/ home regularly with no explanation    
    • ×

      Missing from school/ home regularly with no explanation

    • Fixed Term exclusions/no school place  
    • ×

      Fixed Term exclusions/no school place


      Fixed Term exclusions/no school place

    • Social exclusion    
    • ×

      Social exclusion


      Social exclusion

    • Poor relationships  
    • ×

      Poor relationships


      Poor relationships

    • No access to universal services / “Hidden Children”    
    • ×

      No access to universal services / “Hidden Children”


      No access to universal services / “Hidden Children”

    • Significant disabilities    
    • ×

      Significant disabilities

    • NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training)    
    • ×

      NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training)


      NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training)

    • Developmental milestones not being met due to persistent parental failure/inability    
    • ×

      Developmental milestones not being met due to persistent parental failure/inability


      Developmental milestones not being met due to persistent parental failure/inability

    • Chronic/recurring health problems    
    • ×

      Chronic/recurring health problems


      Chronic/recurring health problems

    • Regular missed appointments affecting developmental progress    
    • ×

      Regular missed appointments affecting developmental progress


      Regular missed appointments affecting developmental progress

    • Teenage pregnancy    
    • ×

      Teenage pregnancy

    • Drug/alcohol misuse impacting negatively    
    • ×

      Drug/alcohol misuse impacting negatively

    • Risky sexual behaviour (e.g. unprotected sex)    
    • ×

      Risky sexual behaviour (e.g. unprotected sex)

    • Offending / anti-social behaviour resulting in risk of entering Youth Justice System  
    • ×

      Offending / anti-social behaviour resulting in risk of entering Youth Justice System


      Offending / anti-social behaviour resulting in risk of entering Youth Justice System

    • Emotional / mental health issues    
    • ×

      Emotional / mental health issues


      Emotional / mental health issues

  • Child developmental needs
    • Chronic persistent absence, permanent exclusions or no school place that risks entry to the care system  
    • ×

      Chronic persistent absence, permanent exclusions or no school place that risks entry to the care system


      Chronic persistent absence, permanent exclusions or no school place that risks entry to the care system

    • Persistent social exclusion    
    • ×

      Persistent social exclusion


      Persistent social exclusion

    • Poor relationships  
    • ×

      Poor relationships


      Poor relationships

    • Complex / multiple disabilities    
    • ×

      Complex / multiple disabilities

    • Complex mental health issues affecting development needs, including self harm    
    • ×

      Complex mental health issues affecting development needs, including self harm


      Complex mental health issues affecting development needs, including self harm

    • High level emotional health issues and very low self-esteem    
    • ×

      High level emotional health issues and very low self-esteem

    • Non-organic failure to thrive  
    • ×

      Non-organic failure to thrive


      Non-organic failure to thrive

    • Inappropriate sexual knowledge / sexualised behaviour for age.    
    • ×

      Inappropriate sexual knowledge / sexualised behaviour for age.


      Inappropriate sexual knowledge / sexualised behaviour for age.

    • Harmful Sexual Behaviour / Peer on Peer Abuse    
    • ×

      Harmful Sexual Behaviour / Peer on Peer Abuse

    • Teenage parent/pregnancy under the age of 13    
    • ×

      Teenage parent/pregnancy under the age of 13

    • Concerns about exploitation (including sexual exploitation/ abuse, radicalisation; criminal exploitation; gang affiliation)    
    • ×

      Concerns about exploitation (including sexual exploitation/ abuse, radicalisation; criminal exploitation; gang affiliation)

    • Child victims of modern slavery or human trafficking    
    • ×

      Child victims of modern slavery or human trafficking


      Child victims of modern slavery or human trafficking

    • Unaccompanied minors    
    • ×

      Unaccompanied minors

    • Drug/alcohol use severely impairing development    
    • ×

      Drug/alcohol use severely impairing development

    • Frequently missing from home resulting in self-neglect    
    • ×

      Frequently missing from home resulting in self-neglect

    • Relationship breakdown between child & parent    
    • ×

      Relationship breakdown between child & parent

    • Offending and in the criminal justice system    
    • ×

      Offending and in the criminal justice system


      Offending and in the criminal justice system

    • Unexplained / suspicious injury    
    • ×

      Unexplained / suspicious injury

  • Family & Environment
    • Positive relationship between parents
    • ×

      Positive relationship between parents


      Positive relationship between parents

    • Stable & affectionate relationships with caregivers
    • ×

      Stable & affectionate relationships with caregivers


      Stable & affectionate relationships with caregivers

    • Housed, good diet and kept healthy
    • ×

      Housed, good diet and kept healthy


      Housed, good diet and kept healthy

    • Supportive networks
    • ×

      Supportive networks


      Supportive networks

    • Access to positive activities
    • ×

      Access to positive activities


      Access to positive activities

    • Positive sense of self and abilities
    • ×

      Positive sense of self and abilities


      Positive sense of self and abilities

  • Family & Environment
    • Children of prisoners/ parents subject to community orders    
    • ×

      Children of prisoners/ parents subject to community orders

    • Low income affects achievement    
    • ×

      Low income affects achievement

    • Parental conflict and risk of relationship breakdown    
    • ×

      Parental conflict and risk of relationship breakdown

    • Concerns about possible domestic abuse    
    • ×

      Concerns about possible domestic abuse

  • Family & Environment
    • Housing tenancy at risk    
    • ×

      Housing tenancy at risk


      Housing tenancy at risk

    • Harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown    
    • ×

      Harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown


      Harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown

    • Transient families  
    • ×

      Transient families


      Transient families

    • Domestic abuse & coercive control    
    • ×

      Domestic abuse & coercive control

    • No recourse to public funds    
    • ×

      No recourse to public funds

  • Family & Environment
    • Significantly harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown    
    • ×

      Significantly harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown


      Significantly harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown

    • Suspicion of physical, emotional or sexual abuse or neglect    
    • ×

      Suspicion of physical, emotional or sexual abuse or neglect


      Suspicion of physical, emotional or sexual abuse or neglect

    • Domestic abuse resulting in child being at risk of significant harm    
    • ×

      Domestic abuse resulting in child being at risk of significant harm

    • Homeless Child/Young Person    
    • ×

      Homeless Child/Young Person

    • Family intentionally homeless    
    • ×

      Family intentionally homeless

    • Extreme poverty affecting child well-being    
    • ×

      Extreme poverty affecting child well-being


      Extreme poverty affecting child well-being

    • Forced Marriage, Honour Based Violence, Female Genital Mutilation    
    • ×

      Forced Marriage, Honour Based Violence, Female Genital Mutilation

  • Parents & Carers
    • Protected by carers
    • ×

      Protected by carers


      Protected by carers

    • Secure and caring home
    • ×

      Secure and caring home


      Secure and caring home

    • Receive and act on information, advice and guidance
    • ×

      Receive and act on information, advice and guidance


      Receive and act on information, advice and guidance

    • Appropriate boundaries maintained
    • ×

      Appropriate boundaries maintained


      Appropriate boundaries maintained

  • Parents & Carers
    • Inconsistent care arrangements  
    • ×

      Inconsistent care arrangements


      Inconsistent care arrangements

    • Poor supervision by parent/carer    
    • ×

      Poor supervision by parent/carer


      Poor supervision by parent/carer

    • Poor response to child’s physical, emotional or health needs    
    • ×

      Poor response to child’s physical, emotional or health needs


      Poor response to child’s physical, emotional or health needs

    • Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)  
    • ×

      Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)


      Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)

  • Parents & Carers
    • Parental learning or physical disability, substance misuse, or mental health impacts on parenting    
    • ×

      Parental learning or physical disability, substance misuse, or mental health impacts on parenting

    • Inconsistent care arrangements  
    • ×

      Inconsistent care arrangements


      Inconsistent care arrangements

    • Poor supervision by parent/carer  
    • ×

      Poor supervision by parent/carer


      Poor supervision by parent/carer

    • Poor response to identified needs    
    • ×

      Poor response to identified needs


      Poor response to identified needs

    • Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences  
    • ×

      Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences


      Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences

  • Parents & Carers
    • Edge of care  
    • ×

      Edge of care


      Edge of care

    • Parental encouragement of abusive/offending behaviour
    • ×

      Parental encouragement of abusive/offending behaviour


      Parental encouragement of abusive/offending behaviour

    • Continuing poor supervision in the home    
    • ×

      Continuing poor supervision in the home

    • Parental non-compliance / superficial co-operation    
    • ×

      Parental non-compliance / superficial co-operation

    • Inconsistent parenting affects child’s developmental progress  
    • ×

      Inconsistent parenting affects child’s developmental progress


      Inconsistent parenting affects child’s developmental progress

    • Private fostering    
    • ×

      Private fostering

  • Level of assessment
    No formal assessment
  • Level of assessment
    Consider commencement of Early Help Assessment / Pastoral Support Plan
  • Level of assessment
    Strengthening Families Early Help Assessment and Plan
  • Level of assessment
    Strengthening Families > Child in Need Plan or Child Protection Conference
  • Go direct to Service or search the Family Service Directory for the Local Offer, or call the Family Information Service on 01273 293545
  • Early Help Strengthening Families Assessment & Plan. If you require advice or guidance in respect of the child needs contact the Front Door For Families on 01273 290400
  • Contact Front Door For Families on 01273 290400 or if the child is at immediate risk call the Police on 999