This year’s Learning Together week runs from Monday 27 November -Friday 1 December 2017 and there will be a variety of events to spotlight and debate some of the most important issues in our city which affect individuals, their families and the wider community. This year the Safeguarding Week is being held in conjunction with our partners from East & West Sussex as well as Brighton & Hove Safeguarding Adults Board and the Safe in the City Partnership Board
You can view the Brighton & Hove programme here and the face to face events will provide a space for professionals to explore their responsibilities in their everyday work, and reflect on their contribution to keeping people safe and well.
If you cannot attend one of our events you may wish to make some time to complete some eLearning to increase your safeguarding knowledge, or you may want to use one of our Practice Point Scenarios to start discussion in your team meetings, or reflect on the implications for your practice after reading our Briefing for Staff: W&X SCR.
Throughout the week we will be circulating a series of bite-sized bulletins to give you an appetite for different safeguarding themes, and point you in the direction for further information. Look out for them in your inbox, and follow the week on social media #SafeguardingSussex
Safeguarding Sussex Week has given us the opportunity to consider a wide range of abuse issues and risks. Rarely do any of these occur in isolations, and those working with families will already be aware of how these problems interact in complex ways.
Often the term “toxic trio” is used to identify those situations where there is a combination of domestic violence & abuse, substance misuse, & mental health. These issues individually and collectively create a range of risks to the children in the household. These families have complex needs, and it will take time to identify the particular support that will help them overcome their individual challenges. Labelling the parents as “toxic” is not a helpful way to approach whole family working, and, as ever, safeguarding professionals should seek to understand the child’s lived experience and the impact on their wellbeing.
Transient families, or those who move frequently, have an additional level of complexity. A parent’s homelessness or placement in temporary accommodation, often at a distance from previous support networks, can result in or be associated with transient lifestyles. There is a risk the family will fall through the net and become disengaged from health, education and other support systems. There may also be a reduction in previously available family / community support.Temporary accommodation, for example bed and breakfast accommodation or women’s refuges, may present additional risks e.g. where other adults are also resident who may pose a risk to the child.
LSCB strategic aims:
The LSCB and our partner agencies are committed to safeguarding children from all types of abuse, and ensuing the best outcomes for them.
Early Help, Pathways, Thresholds and Assessments is a priority area of the LSCB Business Plan, and we are currently refreshing our Threshold Document and the city’s Early Help Strategy to ensure that we are helping the right children at the right time. We plan to have a consultation on the new Whole Family Working Strategy in February 2018 with the revised policy launching in the spring.
We work closely with the Safeguarding Adults Board, and invite adult service providers to sit on a selection of our subcommittees, including our joint Participation & Engagement Subcommittee, and involve them in our quality assurance activity and learning reviews where appropriate.
Multi-agency training:
Further reading:
Pan Sussex Child Protection & Safeguarding Procedures:
Useful websites & contacts:
If you have concerns about a child contact the Front Door for Families on 01273 290400
Has needs met within universal provision. May need limited intervention within the setting to avoid needs arising.
Has additional needs identified within the setting that can be met within identified resources through a single agency response and partnership working.
Has multiple needs requiring a multi-agency coordinated response.
Has a high level of unmet & complex needs, or is in need of protection.