Training Programme for 2019 into 2020 – Available to view via our website
You can also find our training courses via the BHCC website and the Learning Gateway
The Brighton & Hove Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) continues to offer a wide range of multi-agency safeguarding training offers.
In 2019 you will see more training added to our programme, including;
Trauma Informed Practice – This training event will raise awareness of the issues relating to working with children and families where there has been some form of trauma.
Safeguarding Adolescents – presented by practitioners working directly with our young people, and also by a young service user
We have also re-written (in conjunction with colleagues from What Is Sexual Exploitation (WiSE), the face to face training around exploitation. Our revamped offer looks in detail at the vulnerabilities that some of our City’s children have, which may make them more vulnerable to being exploited. The offer will be enhanced by an e-learning package, which will made available within the next few months. WiSE will also be running a number of bespoke sessions. These can be tailored to the needs of your team or organisation.
We continue to review and update all our training materials, in line with the new Working Together to Safeguard Children, 2018.
We encourage all new to role staff to undertake our three core days, “Working together to Safeguard Children”
Our training programme also provides further specific offers to build and develop knowledge and understanding around a plethora of subjects, including; Neglect, Child Sexual Abuse, Safeguarding Children with Disabilities, Safeguarding in a Digital World (delivered in partnership with Safety-Net), Enabling & Supporting Compliance and also working with families where Mental Health or a Learning Disability is an issue.
We continue to work closely with partners from RISE to explore the effects of domestic abuse on the young people living the household. We also run sessions on the impact of parental substance misuse on families and children, this is a collaboration with colleagues from Pavilions and also Oasis.
We also commission the harmful behaviours training. This training looks at FGM, Honour Based Violence and Forced Marriage and is presented in partnership with Safe in the City.
We are committed to providing up- to-date, relevant training, which will not only increase your knowledge but enhance opportunities to meet other colleagues working in the wider safeguarding system.
Safeguarding is Everybody’s Business
Has needs met within universal provision. May need limited intervention within the setting to avoid needs arising.
Has additional needs identified within the setting that can be met within identified resources through a single agency response and partnership working.
Has multiple needs requiring a multi-agency coordinated response.
Has a high level of unmet & complex needs, or is in need of protection.