Child developmental needs
Despite intervention at 2, there is evidence of continuing and escalating need:
Persistent absence from school
Persistent absence from school
Persistent absence from school
Missing from school/ home regularly with no explanation
Missing from school/ home regularly with no explanation
Missing from school/ home regularly with no explanation
Fixed Term exclusions/no school place
Fixed Term exclusions/no school place
Fixed Term exclusions/no school place
Social exclusion
Poor relationships
No access to universal services / “Hidden Children”
No access to universal services / “Hidden Children”
No access to universal services / “Hidden Children”
Significant disabilities
Significant disabilities
Significant disabilities
NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training)
NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training)
NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training)
Developmental milestones not being met due to persistent parental failure/inability
Developmental milestones not being met due to persistent parental failure/inability
Developmental milestones not being met due to persistent parental failure/inability
Chronic/recurring health problems
Chronic/recurring health problems
Chronic/recurring health problems
Regular missed appointments affecting developmental progress
Regular missed appointments affecting developmental progress
Regular missed appointments affecting developmental progress
Teenage pregnancy
Drug/alcohol misuse impacting negatively
Drug/alcohol misuse impacting negatively
Drug/alcohol misuse impacting negatively
Risky sexual behaviour (e.g. unprotected sex)
Risky sexual behaviour (e.g. unprotected sex)
Risky sexual behaviour (e.g. unprotected sex)
Offending / anti-social behaviour resulting in risk of entering Youth Justice System
Offending / anti-social behaviour resulting in risk of entering Youth Justice System
Offending / anti-social behaviour resulting in risk of entering Youth Justice System
Emotional / mental health issues
Emotional / mental health issues
Emotional / mental health issues