Safeguarding Week 2019

This years Safeguarding Week came to it’s conclusion on Friday, with a full day seminar in partnership with our colleagues from West Sussex Safeguarding Children Partnership. The event was hosted at the Charmandean centre and was well attended and had a variety of speakers talking about Neglect.

There was also a Safeguarding in Sport “Huddle” hosted at the Amex Stadium by our partners from Brighton and Hove Albion.

The week was well received and attended and the Learning and Development Officer will be checking the feedback from each session to add any learning and enhance any further events.

Brighton and Hove Safeguarding Partnership would like to thank all our partners and those that facilitated  and hosted events for us this year and look forward to working closely with you in the future.


  • 1. Universal

    Has needs met within universal provision. May need limited intervention within the setting to avoid needs arising.

  • 2. Early Help

    Has additional needs identified within the setting that can be met within identified resources through a single agency response and partnership working.

  • 3. Early Help Partnership Plus

    Has multiple needs requiring a multi-agency coordinated response.

  • 4. Specialist Services to address Acute & Chronic need

    Has a high level of unmet & complex needs, or is in need of protection.

  • Child developmental needs
    • Good attendance (above 90%)
    • ×

      Good attendance (above 90%)


      Good attendance (above 90%)

    • Meeting developmental & learning milestones
    • ×

      Meeting developmental & learning milestones


      Meeting developmental & learning milestones

    • Has emotional well-being
    • ×

      Has emotional well-being


      Has emotional well-being

    • Ability to protect self and be protected
    • ×

      Ability to protect self and be protected


      Ability to protect self and be protected

    • Resilient and able to adapt to change
    • ×

      Resilient and able to adapt to change


      Resilient and able to adapt to change

    • Physically healthy
    • ×

      Physically healthy


      Physically healthy

    • Age-appropriate self care & independence skills
    • ×

      Age-appropriate self care & independence skills


      Age-appropriate self care & independence skills

    • Ability to express needs
    • ×

      Ability to express needs


      Ability to express needs

  • Child developmental needs
    • Absence/truancy from school    
    • ×

      Absence/truancy from school


      Absence/truancy from school

    • Incidence of absence/missing from home    
    • ×

      Incidence of absence/missing from home

    • Persistent poor behaviour in school  
    • ×

      Persistent poor behaviour in school


      Persistent poor behaviour in school

    • Risk of social exclusion    
    • ×

      Risk of social exclusion


      Risk of social exclusion

    • Poor relationships  
    • ×

      Poor relationships


      Poor relationships

    • Language and communication difficulties  
    • ×

      Language and communication difficulties


      Language and communication difficulties

    • Disability or additional special educational needs    
    • ×

      Disability or additional special educational needs


      Disability or additional special educational needs

    • Difficulty in achieving in education  
    • ×

      Difficulty in achieving in education


      Difficulty in achieving in education

    • Potential for becoming Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET)    
    • ×

      Potential for becoming Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET)


      Potential for becoming Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET)

    • Slow in meeting developmental milestones    
    • ×

      Slow in meeting developmental milestones


      Slow in meeting developmental milestones

    • Missing health checks/immunisations    
    • ×

      Missing health checks/immunisations

    • Minor health problems  
    • ×

      Minor health problems


      Minor health problems

    • Early signs of offending/anti-social behaviour  
    • ×

      Early signs of offending/anti-social behaviour


      Early signs of offending/anti-social behaviour

    • Underage sexual activity    
    • ×

      Underage sexual activity

    • Early signs of drug/alcohol misuse    
    • ×

      Early signs of drug/alcohol misuse

    • Poor self-esteem    
    • ×

      Poor self-esteem

    • Low level emotional & behavioural issues that may be linked to attachment and/or emotional development delay    
    • ×

      Low level emotional & behavioural issues that may be linked to attachment and/or emotional development delay

    • Young carers    
    • ×

      Young carers

    • Bullying    
    • ×




    • Children who have previously been in Care, and children living away from their birth parents e.g adopted children, Special Guardianship Orders, Kinship Care.  
    • ×

      Children who have previously been in Care, and children living away from their birth parents e.g adopted children, Special Guardianship Orders, Kinship Care.


      Children who have previously been in Care, and children living away from their birth parents e.g adopted children, Special Guardianship Orders, Kinship Care.

  • Child developmental needs
    Despite intervention at 2, there is evidence of continuing and escalating need:
    • Persistent absence from school    
    • ×

      Persistent absence from school


      Persistent absence from school

    • Missing from school/ home regularly with no explanation    
    • ×

      Missing from school/ home regularly with no explanation

    • Fixed Term exclusions/no school place  
    • ×

      Fixed Term exclusions/no school place


      Fixed Term exclusions/no school place

    • Social exclusion    
    • ×

      Social exclusion


      Social exclusion

    • Poor relationships  
    • ×

      Poor relationships


      Poor relationships

    • No access to universal services / “Hidden Children”    
    • ×

      No access to universal services / “Hidden Children”


      No access to universal services / “Hidden Children”

    • Significant disabilities    
    • ×

      Significant disabilities

    • NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training)    
    • ×

      NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training)


      NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training)

    • Developmental milestones not being met due to persistent parental failure/inability    
    • ×

      Developmental milestones not being met due to persistent parental failure/inability


      Developmental milestones not being met due to persistent parental failure/inability

    • Chronic/recurring health problems    
    • ×

      Chronic/recurring health problems


      Chronic/recurring health problems

    • Regular missed appointments affecting developmental progress    
    • ×

      Regular missed appointments affecting developmental progress


      Regular missed appointments affecting developmental progress

    • Teenage pregnancy    
    • ×

      Teenage pregnancy

    • Drug/alcohol misuse impacting negatively    
    • ×

      Drug/alcohol misuse impacting negatively

    • Risky sexual behaviour (e.g. unprotected sex)    
    • ×

      Risky sexual behaviour (e.g. unprotected sex)

    • Offending / anti-social behaviour resulting in risk of entering Youth Justice System  
    • ×

      Offending / anti-social behaviour resulting in risk of entering Youth Justice System


      Offending / anti-social behaviour resulting in risk of entering Youth Justice System

    • Emotional / mental health issues    
    • ×

      Emotional / mental health issues


      Emotional / mental health issues

  • Child developmental needs
    • Chronic persistent absence, permanent exclusions or no school place that risks entry to the care system  
    • ×

      Chronic persistent absence, permanent exclusions or no school place that risks entry to the care system


      Chronic persistent absence, permanent exclusions or no school place that risks entry to the care system

    • Persistent social exclusion    
    • ×

      Persistent social exclusion


      Persistent social exclusion

    • Poor relationships  
    • ×

      Poor relationships


      Poor relationships

    • Complex / multiple disabilities    
    • ×

      Complex / multiple disabilities

    • Complex mental health issues affecting development needs, including self harm    
    • ×

      Complex mental health issues affecting development needs, including self harm


      Complex mental health issues affecting development needs, including self harm

    • High level emotional health issues and very low self-esteem    
    • ×

      High level emotional health issues and very low self-esteem

    • Non-organic failure to thrive  
    • ×

      Non-organic failure to thrive


      Non-organic failure to thrive

    • Inappropriate sexual knowledge / sexualised behaviour for age.    
    • ×

      Inappropriate sexual knowledge / sexualised behaviour for age.


      Inappropriate sexual knowledge / sexualised behaviour for age.

    • Harmful Sexual Behaviour / Peer on Peer Abuse    
    • ×

      Harmful Sexual Behaviour / Peer on Peer Abuse

    • Teenage parent/pregnancy under the age of 13    
    • ×

      Teenage parent/pregnancy under the age of 13

    • Concerns about exploitation (including sexual exploitation/ abuse, radicalisation; criminal exploitation; gang affiliation)    
    • ×

      Concerns about exploitation (including sexual exploitation/ abuse, radicalisation; criminal exploitation; gang affiliation)

    • Child victims of modern slavery or human trafficking    
    • ×

      Child victims of modern slavery or human trafficking


      Child victims of modern slavery or human trafficking

    • Unaccompanied minors    
    • ×

      Unaccompanied minors

    • Drug/alcohol use severely impairing development    
    • ×

      Drug/alcohol use severely impairing development

    • Frequently missing from home resulting in self-neglect    
    • ×

      Frequently missing from home resulting in self-neglect

    • Relationship breakdown between child & parent    
    • ×

      Relationship breakdown between child & parent

    • Offending and in the criminal justice system    
    • ×

      Offending and in the criminal justice system


      Offending and in the criminal justice system

    • Unexplained / suspicious injury    
    • ×

      Unexplained / suspicious injury

  • Family & Environment
    • Positive relationship between parents
    • ×

      Positive relationship between parents


      Positive relationship between parents

    • Stable & affectionate relationships with caregivers
    • ×

      Stable & affectionate relationships with caregivers


      Stable & affectionate relationships with caregivers

    • Housed, good diet and kept healthy
    • ×

      Housed, good diet and kept healthy


      Housed, good diet and kept healthy

    • Supportive networks
    • ×

      Supportive networks


      Supportive networks

    • Access to positive activities
    • ×

      Access to positive activities


      Access to positive activities

    • Positive sense of self and abilities
    • ×

      Positive sense of self and abilities


      Positive sense of self and abilities

  • Family & Environment
    • Children of prisoners/ parents subject to community orders    
    • ×

      Children of prisoners/ parents subject to community orders

    • Low income affects achievement    
    • ×

      Low income affects achievement

    • Parental conflict and risk of relationship breakdown    
    • ×

      Parental conflict and risk of relationship breakdown

    • Concerns about possible domestic abuse    
    • ×

      Concerns about possible domestic abuse

  • Family & Environment
    • Housing tenancy at risk    
    • ×

      Housing tenancy at risk


      Housing tenancy at risk

    • Harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown    
    • ×

      Harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown


      Harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown

    • Transient families  
    • ×

      Transient families


      Transient families

    • Domestic abuse & coercive control    
    • ×

      Domestic abuse & coercive control

    • No recourse to public funds    
    • ×

      No recourse to public funds

  • Family & Environment
    • Significantly harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown    
    • ×

      Significantly harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown


      Significantly harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown

    • Suspicion of physical, emotional or sexual abuse or neglect    
    • ×

      Suspicion of physical, emotional or sexual abuse or neglect


      Suspicion of physical, emotional or sexual abuse or neglect

    • Domestic abuse resulting in child being at risk of significant harm    
    • ×

      Domestic abuse resulting in child being at risk of significant harm

    • Homeless Child/Young Person    
    • ×

      Homeless Child/Young Person

    • Family intentionally homeless    
    • ×

      Family intentionally homeless

    • Extreme poverty affecting child well-being    
    • ×

      Extreme poverty affecting child well-being


      Extreme poverty affecting child well-being

    • Forced Marriage, Honour Based Violence, Female Genital Mutilation    
    • ×

      Forced Marriage, Honour Based Violence, Female Genital Mutilation

  • Parents & Carers
    • Protected by carers
    • ×

      Protected by carers


      Protected by carers

    • Secure and caring home
    • ×

      Secure and caring home


      Secure and caring home

    • Receive and act on information, advice and guidance
    • ×

      Receive and act on information, advice and guidance


      Receive and act on information, advice and guidance

    • Appropriate boundaries maintained
    • ×

      Appropriate boundaries maintained


      Appropriate boundaries maintained

  • Parents & Carers
    • Inconsistent care arrangements  
    • ×

      Inconsistent care arrangements


      Inconsistent care arrangements

    • Poor supervision by parent/carer    
    • ×

      Poor supervision by parent/carer


      Poor supervision by parent/carer

    • Poor response to child’s physical, emotional or health needs    
    • ×

      Poor response to child’s physical, emotional or health needs


      Poor response to child’s physical, emotional or health needs

    • Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)  
    • ×

      Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)


      Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)

  • Parents & Carers
    • Parental learning or physical disability, substance misuse, or mental health impacts on parenting    
    • ×

      Parental learning or physical disability, substance misuse, or mental health impacts on parenting

    • Inconsistent care arrangements  
    • ×

      Inconsistent care arrangements


      Inconsistent care arrangements

    • Poor supervision by parent/carer  
    • ×

      Poor supervision by parent/carer


      Poor supervision by parent/carer

    • Poor response to identified needs    
    • ×

      Poor response to identified needs


      Poor response to identified needs

    • Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences  
    • ×

      Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences


      Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences

  • Parents & Carers
    • Edge of care  
    • ×

      Edge of care


      Edge of care

    • Parental encouragement of abusive/offending behaviour
    • ×

      Parental encouragement of abusive/offending behaviour


      Parental encouragement of abusive/offending behaviour

    • Continuing poor supervision in the home    
    • ×

      Continuing poor supervision in the home

    • Parental non-compliance / superficial co-operation    
    • ×

      Parental non-compliance / superficial co-operation

    • Inconsistent parenting affects child’s developmental progress  
    • ×

      Inconsistent parenting affects child’s developmental progress


      Inconsistent parenting affects child’s developmental progress

    • Private fostering    
    • ×

      Private fostering

  • Level of assessment
    No formal assessment
  • Level of assessment
    Consider commencement of Early Help Assessment / Pastoral Support Plan
  • Level of assessment
    Strengthening Families Early Help Assessment and Plan
  • Level of assessment
    Strengthening Families > Child in Need Plan or Child Protection Conference
  • Go direct to Service or search the Family Service Directory for the Local Offer, or call the Family Information Service on 01273 293545
  • Early Help Strengthening Families Assessment & Plan. If you require advice or guidance in respect of the child needs contact the Front Door For Families on 01273 290400
  • Contact Front Door For Families on 01273 290400 or if the child is at immediate risk call the Police on 999

16 days of action to end Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG)

What are the 16 days of Action?

The 16 Days of Action for the Elimination of Violence against Women is a global initiative, seeking to galvanise action to end violence against women and girls around the world.  The 16 Days run from 25th November (the UN International Day of Elimination of Violence against Women) to the 10th December (Human Rights Day).

Local activity?

You can find out about local events in Brighton and Hove and East Sussex below. We have chosen a theme for each day and we will be using our Social Media accounts to raise awareness on these topics throughout the 16 days. Please feel free to join in with our Social Media locally if you’d like to. We will also be encouraging people to take pictures of themselves with White Ribbons and posting them online. If you would like more information about Social Media activity please contact for Brighton and Hove or for East Sussex.


What is the White Ribbon Campaign?

The White Ribbon Campaign recognises the positive role that men play in preventing violence against women, based on the understanding that most men are not violent.  It is therefore a means for men to speak out against violence and abuse and to safely challenge the attitudes and behaviours of a minority of men who use or condone violence against women.

White Ribbon Status – which Brighton & Hove secured in 2013, 2015 and for a third time in 2017 – is awarded to organisations that demonstrate their commitment to involving men and boys as ambassadors in the mobilisation of entire local communities to engage in awareness raising activities; addressing and altering social norms leading to violent behavior against women and girls; and providing services aimed at reducing the incidence towards anyone at risk of interpersonal abuse and violence.

You can also your support for the campaign all year round by pledging never to commit, condone, or remain silent about violence against women and girls in all forms by wearing a white ribbon on the day. For more information about the campaign, visit

For full details and how to book

  • 1. Universal

    Has needs met within universal provision. May need limited intervention within the setting to avoid needs arising.

  • 2. Early Help

    Has additional needs identified within the setting that can be met within identified resources through a single agency response and partnership working.

  • 3. Early Help Partnership Plus

    Has multiple needs requiring a multi-agency coordinated response.

  • 4. Specialist Services to address Acute & Chronic need

    Has a high level of unmet & complex needs, or is in need of protection.

  • Child developmental needs
    • Good attendance (above 90%)
    • ×

      Good attendance (above 90%)


      Good attendance (above 90%)

    • Meeting developmental & learning milestones
    • ×

      Meeting developmental & learning milestones


      Meeting developmental & learning milestones

    • Has emotional well-being
    • ×

      Has emotional well-being


      Has emotional well-being

    • Ability to protect self and be protected
    • ×

      Ability to protect self and be protected


      Ability to protect self and be protected

    • Resilient and able to adapt to change
    • ×

      Resilient and able to adapt to change


      Resilient and able to adapt to change

    • Physically healthy
    • ×

      Physically healthy


      Physically healthy

    • Age-appropriate self care & independence skills
    • ×

      Age-appropriate self care & independence skills


      Age-appropriate self care & independence skills

    • Ability to express needs
    • ×

      Ability to express needs


      Ability to express needs

  • Child developmental needs
    • Absence/truancy from school    
    • ×

      Absence/truancy from school


      Absence/truancy from school

    • Incidence of absence/missing from home    
    • ×

      Incidence of absence/missing from home

    • Persistent poor behaviour in school  
    • ×

      Persistent poor behaviour in school


      Persistent poor behaviour in school

    • Risk of social exclusion    
    • ×

      Risk of social exclusion


      Risk of social exclusion

    • Poor relationships  
    • ×

      Poor relationships


      Poor relationships

    • Language and communication difficulties  
    • ×

      Language and communication difficulties


      Language and communication difficulties

    • Disability or additional special educational needs    
    • ×

      Disability or additional special educational needs


      Disability or additional special educational needs

    • Difficulty in achieving in education  
    • ×

      Difficulty in achieving in education


      Difficulty in achieving in education

    • Potential for becoming Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET)    
    • ×

      Potential for becoming Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET)


      Potential for becoming Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET)

    • Slow in meeting developmental milestones    
    • ×

      Slow in meeting developmental milestones


      Slow in meeting developmental milestones

    • Missing health checks/immunisations    
    • ×

      Missing health checks/immunisations

    • Minor health problems  
    • ×

      Minor health problems


      Minor health problems

    • Early signs of offending/anti-social behaviour  
    • ×

      Early signs of offending/anti-social behaviour


      Early signs of offending/anti-social behaviour

    • Underage sexual activity    
    • ×

      Underage sexual activity

    • Early signs of drug/alcohol misuse    
    • ×

      Early signs of drug/alcohol misuse

    • Poor self-esteem    
    • ×

      Poor self-esteem

    • Low level emotional & behavioural issues that may be linked to attachment and/or emotional development delay    
    • ×

      Low level emotional & behavioural issues that may be linked to attachment and/or emotional development delay

    • Young carers    
    • ×

      Young carers

    • Bullying    
    • ×




    • Children who have previously been in Care, and children living away from their birth parents e.g adopted children, Special Guardianship Orders, Kinship Care.  
    • ×

      Children who have previously been in Care, and children living away from their birth parents e.g adopted children, Special Guardianship Orders, Kinship Care.


      Children who have previously been in Care, and children living away from their birth parents e.g adopted children, Special Guardianship Orders, Kinship Care.

  • Child developmental needs
    Despite intervention at 2, there is evidence of continuing and escalating need:
    • Persistent absence from school    
    • ×

      Persistent absence from school


      Persistent absence from school

    • Missing from school/ home regularly with no explanation    
    • ×

      Missing from school/ home regularly with no explanation

    • Fixed Term exclusions/no school place  
    • ×

      Fixed Term exclusions/no school place


      Fixed Term exclusions/no school place

    • Social exclusion    
    • ×

      Social exclusion


      Social exclusion

    • Poor relationships  
    • ×

      Poor relationships


      Poor relationships

    • No access to universal services / “Hidden Children”    
    • ×

      No access to universal services / “Hidden Children”


      No access to universal services / “Hidden Children”

    • Significant disabilities    
    • ×

      Significant disabilities

    • NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training)    
    • ×

      NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training)


      NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training)

    • Developmental milestones not being met due to persistent parental failure/inability    
    • ×

      Developmental milestones not being met due to persistent parental failure/inability


      Developmental milestones not being met due to persistent parental failure/inability

    • Chronic/recurring health problems    
    • ×

      Chronic/recurring health problems


      Chronic/recurring health problems

    • Regular missed appointments affecting developmental progress    
    • ×

      Regular missed appointments affecting developmental progress


      Regular missed appointments affecting developmental progress

    • Teenage pregnancy    
    • ×

      Teenage pregnancy

    • Drug/alcohol misuse impacting negatively    
    • ×

      Drug/alcohol misuse impacting negatively

    • Risky sexual behaviour (e.g. unprotected sex)    
    • ×

      Risky sexual behaviour (e.g. unprotected sex)

    • Offending / anti-social behaviour resulting in risk of entering Youth Justice System  
    • ×

      Offending / anti-social behaviour resulting in risk of entering Youth Justice System


      Offending / anti-social behaviour resulting in risk of entering Youth Justice System

    • Emotional / mental health issues    
    • ×

      Emotional / mental health issues


      Emotional / mental health issues

  • Child developmental needs
    • Chronic persistent absence, permanent exclusions or no school place that risks entry to the care system  
    • ×

      Chronic persistent absence, permanent exclusions or no school place that risks entry to the care system


      Chronic persistent absence, permanent exclusions or no school place that risks entry to the care system

    • Persistent social exclusion    
    • ×

      Persistent social exclusion


      Persistent social exclusion

    • Poor relationships  
    • ×

      Poor relationships


      Poor relationships

    • Complex / multiple disabilities    
    • ×

      Complex / multiple disabilities

    • Complex mental health issues affecting development needs, including self harm    
    • ×

      Complex mental health issues affecting development needs, including self harm


      Complex mental health issues affecting development needs, including self harm

    • High level emotional health issues and very low self-esteem    
    • ×

      High level emotional health issues and very low self-esteem

    • Non-organic failure to thrive  
    • ×

      Non-organic failure to thrive


      Non-organic failure to thrive

    • Inappropriate sexual knowledge / sexualised behaviour for age.    
    • ×

      Inappropriate sexual knowledge / sexualised behaviour for age.


      Inappropriate sexual knowledge / sexualised behaviour for age.

    • Harmful Sexual Behaviour / Peer on Peer Abuse    
    • ×

      Harmful Sexual Behaviour / Peer on Peer Abuse

    • Teenage parent/pregnancy under the age of 13    
    • ×

      Teenage parent/pregnancy under the age of 13

    • Concerns about exploitation (including sexual exploitation/ abuse, radicalisation; criminal exploitation; gang affiliation)    
    • ×

      Concerns about exploitation (including sexual exploitation/ abuse, radicalisation; criminal exploitation; gang affiliation)

    • Child victims of modern slavery or human trafficking    
    • ×

      Child victims of modern slavery or human trafficking


      Child victims of modern slavery or human trafficking

    • Unaccompanied minors    
    • ×

      Unaccompanied minors

    • Drug/alcohol use severely impairing development    
    • ×

      Drug/alcohol use severely impairing development

    • Frequently missing from home resulting in self-neglect    
    • ×

      Frequently missing from home resulting in self-neglect

    • Relationship breakdown between child & parent    
    • ×

      Relationship breakdown between child & parent

    • Offending and in the criminal justice system    
    • ×

      Offending and in the criminal justice system


      Offending and in the criminal justice system

    • Unexplained / suspicious injury    
    • ×

      Unexplained / suspicious injury

  • Family & Environment
    • Positive relationship between parents
    • ×

      Positive relationship between parents


      Positive relationship between parents

    • Stable & affectionate relationships with caregivers
    • ×

      Stable & affectionate relationships with caregivers


      Stable & affectionate relationships with caregivers

    • Housed, good diet and kept healthy
    • ×

      Housed, good diet and kept healthy


      Housed, good diet and kept healthy

    • Supportive networks
    • ×

      Supportive networks


      Supportive networks

    • Access to positive activities
    • ×

      Access to positive activities


      Access to positive activities

    • Positive sense of self and abilities
    • ×

      Positive sense of self and abilities


      Positive sense of self and abilities

  • Family & Environment
    • Children of prisoners/ parents subject to community orders    
    • ×

      Children of prisoners/ parents subject to community orders

    • Low income affects achievement    
    • ×

      Low income affects achievement

    • Parental conflict and risk of relationship breakdown    
    • ×

      Parental conflict and risk of relationship breakdown

    • Concerns about possible domestic abuse    
    • ×

      Concerns about possible domestic abuse

  • Family & Environment
    • Housing tenancy at risk    
    • ×

      Housing tenancy at risk


      Housing tenancy at risk

    • Harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown    
    • ×

      Harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown


      Harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown

    • Transient families  
    • ×

      Transient families


      Transient families

    • Domestic abuse & coercive control    
    • ×

      Domestic abuse & coercive control

    • No recourse to public funds    
    • ×

      No recourse to public funds

  • Family & Environment
    • Significantly harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown    
    • ×

      Significantly harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown


      Significantly harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown

    • Suspicion of physical, emotional or sexual abuse or neglect    
    • ×

      Suspicion of physical, emotional or sexual abuse or neglect


      Suspicion of physical, emotional or sexual abuse or neglect

    • Domestic abuse resulting in child being at risk of significant harm    
    • ×

      Domestic abuse resulting in child being at risk of significant harm

    • Homeless Child/Young Person    
    • ×

      Homeless Child/Young Person

    • Family intentionally homeless    
    • ×

      Family intentionally homeless

    • Extreme poverty affecting child well-being    
    • ×

      Extreme poverty affecting child well-being


      Extreme poverty affecting child well-being

    • Forced Marriage, Honour Based Violence, Female Genital Mutilation    
    • ×

      Forced Marriage, Honour Based Violence, Female Genital Mutilation

  • Parents & Carers
    • Protected by carers
    • ×

      Protected by carers


      Protected by carers

    • Secure and caring home
    • ×

      Secure and caring home


      Secure and caring home

    • Receive and act on information, advice and guidance
    • ×

      Receive and act on information, advice and guidance


      Receive and act on information, advice and guidance

    • Appropriate boundaries maintained
    • ×

      Appropriate boundaries maintained


      Appropriate boundaries maintained

  • Parents & Carers
    • Inconsistent care arrangements  
    • ×

      Inconsistent care arrangements


      Inconsistent care arrangements

    • Poor supervision by parent/carer    
    • ×

      Poor supervision by parent/carer


      Poor supervision by parent/carer

    • Poor response to child’s physical, emotional or health needs    
    • ×

      Poor response to child’s physical, emotional or health needs


      Poor response to child’s physical, emotional or health needs

    • Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)  
    • ×

      Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)


      Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)

  • Parents & Carers
    • Parental learning or physical disability, substance misuse, or mental health impacts on parenting    
    • ×

      Parental learning or physical disability, substance misuse, or mental health impacts on parenting

    • Inconsistent care arrangements  
    • ×

      Inconsistent care arrangements


      Inconsistent care arrangements

    • Poor supervision by parent/carer  
    • ×

      Poor supervision by parent/carer


      Poor supervision by parent/carer

    • Poor response to identified needs    
    • ×

      Poor response to identified needs


      Poor response to identified needs

    • Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences  
    • ×

      Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences


      Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences

  • Parents & Carers
    • Edge of care  
    • ×

      Edge of care


      Edge of care

    • Parental encouragement of abusive/offending behaviour
    • ×

      Parental encouragement of abusive/offending behaviour


      Parental encouragement of abusive/offending behaviour

    • Continuing poor supervision in the home    
    • ×

      Continuing poor supervision in the home

    • Parental non-compliance / superficial co-operation    
    • ×

      Parental non-compliance / superficial co-operation

    • Inconsistent parenting affects child’s developmental progress  
    • ×

      Inconsistent parenting affects child’s developmental progress


      Inconsistent parenting affects child’s developmental progress

    • Private fostering    
    • ×

      Private fostering

  • Level of assessment
    No formal assessment
  • Level of assessment
    Consider commencement of Early Help Assessment / Pastoral Support Plan
  • Level of assessment
    Strengthening Families Early Help Assessment and Plan
  • Level of assessment
    Strengthening Families > Child in Need Plan or Child Protection Conference
  • Go direct to Service or search the Family Service Directory for the Local Offer, or call the Family Information Service on 01273 293545
  • Early Help Strengthening Families Assessment & Plan. If you require advice or guidance in respect of the child needs contact the Front Door For Families on 01273 290400
  • Contact Front Door For Families on 01273 290400 or if the child is at immediate risk call the Police on 999

Safeguarding Week – Update

Brighton and Hove Safeguarding Partnership is hosting it’s Safeguarding Week 2019, and it begins next Monday 25th November. There are presentations on all days of the week and there are still a few places left on these exciting events. The full details can be found here Safeguarding Week 2019     

A full programme with details can also found here 2019

The week concludes on Friday 29th November with a joint initiative with our partners from West Sussex and a day long Seminar around the subject of Neglect, to see the details of this event follow the link to the Event.

All events can be booked via the Gateway, if you need any assistance please contact the Safeguarding Partnership Team – 01273 292379 or 295993



  • 1. Universal

    Has needs met within universal provision. May need limited intervention within the setting to avoid needs arising.

  • 2. Early Help

    Has additional needs identified within the setting that can be met within identified resources through a single agency response and partnership working.

  • 3. Early Help Partnership Plus

    Has multiple needs requiring a multi-agency coordinated response.

  • 4. Specialist Services to address Acute & Chronic need

    Has a high level of unmet & complex needs, or is in need of protection.

  • Child developmental needs
    • Good attendance (above 90%)
    • ×

      Good attendance (above 90%)


      Good attendance (above 90%)

    • Meeting developmental & learning milestones
    • ×

      Meeting developmental & learning milestones


      Meeting developmental & learning milestones

    • Has emotional well-being
    • ×

      Has emotional well-being


      Has emotional well-being

    • Ability to protect self and be protected
    • ×

      Ability to protect self and be protected


      Ability to protect self and be protected

    • Resilient and able to adapt to change
    • ×

      Resilient and able to adapt to change


      Resilient and able to adapt to change

    • Physically healthy
    • ×

      Physically healthy


      Physically healthy

    • Age-appropriate self care & independence skills
    • ×

      Age-appropriate self care & independence skills


      Age-appropriate self care & independence skills

    • Ability to express needs
    • ×

      Ability to express needs


      Ability to express needs

  • Child developmental needs
    • Absence/truancy from school    
    • ×

      Absence/truancy from school


      Absence/truancy from school

    • Incidence of absence/missing from home    
    • ×

      Incidence of absence/missing from home

    • Persistent poor behaviour in school  
    • ×

      Persistent poor behaviour in school


      Persistent poor behaviour in school

    • Risk of social exclusion    
    • ×

      Risk of social exclusion


      Risk of social exclusion

    • Poor relationships  
    • ×

      Poor relationships


      Poor relationships

    • Language and communication difficulties  
    • ×

      Language and communication difficulties


      Language and communication difficulties

    • Disability or additional special educational needs    
    • ×

      Disability or additional special educational needs


      Disability or additional special educational needs

    • Difficulty in achieving in education  
    • ×

      Difficulty in achieving in education


      Difficulty in achieving in education

    • Potential for becoming Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET)    
    • ×

      Potential for becoming Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET)


      Potential for becoming Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET)

    • Slow in meeting developmental milestones    
    • ×

      Slow in meeting developmental milestones


      Slow in meeting developmental milestones

    • Missing health checks/immunisations    
    • ×

      Missing health checks/immunisations

    • Minor health problems  
    • ×

      Minor health problems


      Minor health problems

    • Early signs of offending/anti-social behaviour  
    • ×

      Early signs of offending/anti-social behaviour


      Early signs of offending/anti-social behaviour

    • Underage sexual activity    
    • ×

      Underage sexual activity

    • Early signs of drug/alcohol misuse    
    • ×

      Early signs of drug/alcohol misuse

    • Poor self-esteem    
    • ×

      Poor self-esteem

    • Low level emotional & behavioural issues that may be linked to attachment and/or emotional development delay    
    • ×

      Low level emotional & behavioural issues that may be linked to attachment and/or emotional development delay

    • Young carers    
    • ×

      Young carers

    • Bullying    
    • ×




    • Children who have previously been in Care, and children living away from their birth parents e.g adopted children, Special Guardianship Orders, Kinship Care.  
    • ×

      Children who have previously been in Care, and children living away from their birth parents e.g adopted children, Special Guardianship Orders, Kinship Care.


      Children who have previously been in Care, and children living away from their birth parents e.g adopted children, Special Guardianship Orders, Kinship Care.

  • Child developmental needs
    Despite intervention at 2, there is evidence of continuing and escalating need:
    • Persistent absence from school    
    • ×

      Persistent absence from school


      Persistent absence from school

    • Missing from school/ home regularly with no explanation    
    • ×

      Missing from school/ home regularly with no explanation

    • Fixed Term exclusions/no school place  
    • ×

      Fixed Term exclusions/no school place


      Fixed Term exclusions/no school place

    • Social exclusion    
    • ×

      Social exclusion


      Social exclusion

    • Poor relationships  
    • ×

      Poor relationships


      Poor relationships

    • No access to universal services / “Hidden Children”    
    • ×

      No access to universal services / “Hidden Children”


      No access to universal services / “Hidden Children”

    • Significant disabilities    
    • ×

      Significant disabilities

    • NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training)    
    • ×

      NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training)


      NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training)

    • Developmental milestones not being met due to persistent parental failure/inability    
    • ×

      Developmental milestones not being met due to persistent parental failure/inability


      Developmental milestones not being met due to persistent parental failure/inability

    • Chronic/recurring health problems    
    • ×

      Chronic/recurring health problems


      Chronic/recurring health problems

    • Regular missed appointments affecting developmental progress    
    • ×

      Regular missed appointments affecting developmental progress


      Regular missed appointments affecting developmental progress

    • Teenage pregnancy    
    • ×

      Teenage pregnancy

    • Drug/alcohol misuse impacting negatively    
    • ×

      Drug/alcohol misuse impacting negatively

    • Risky sexual behaviour (e.g. unprotected sex)    
    • ×

      Risky sexual behaviour (e.g. unprotected sex)

    • Offending / anti-social behaviour resulting in risk of entering Youth Justice System  
    • ×

      Offending / anti-social behaviour resulting in risk of entering Youth Justice System


      Offending / anti-social behaviour resulting in risk of entering Youth Justice System

    • Emotional / mental health issues    
    • ×

      Emotional / mental health issues


      Emotional / mental health issues

  • Child developmental needs
    • Chronic persistent absence, permanent exclusions or no school place that risks entry to the care system  
    • ×

      Chronic persistent absence, permanent exclusions or no school place that risks entry to the care system


      Chronic persistent absence, permanent exclusions or no school place that risks entry to the care system

    • Persistent social exclusion    
    • ×

      Persistent social exclusion


      Persistent social exclusion

    • Poor relationships  
    • ×

      Poor relationships


      Poor relationships

    • Complex / multiple disabilities    
    • ×

      Complex / multiple disabilities

    • Complex mental health issues affecting development needs, including self harm    
    • ×

      Complex mental health issues affecting development needs, including self harm


      Complex mental health issues affecting development needs, including self harm

    • High level emotional health issues and very low self-esteem    
    • ×

      High level emotional health issues and very low self-esteem

    • Non-organic failure to thrive  
    • ×

      Non-organic failure to thrive


      Non-organic failure to thrive

    • Inappropriate sexual knowledge / sexualised behaviour for age.    
    • ×

      Inappropriate sexual knowledge / sexualised behaviour for age.


      Inappropriate sexual knowledge / sexualised behaviour for age.

    • Harmful Sexual Behaviour / Peer on Peer Abuse    
    • ×

      Harmful Sexual Behaviour / Peer on Peer Abuse

    • Teenage parent/pregnancy under the age of 13    
    • ×

      Teenage parent/pregnancy under the age of 13

    • Concerns about exploitation (including sexual exploitation/ abuse, radicalisation; criminal exploitation; gang affiliation)    
    • ×

      Concerns about exploitation (including sexual exploitation/ abuse, radicalisation; criminal exploitation; gang affiliation)

    • Child victims of modern slavery or human trafficking    
    • ×

      Child victims of modern slavery or human trafficking


      Child victims of modern slavery or human trafficking

    • Unaccompanied minors    
    • ×

      Unaccompanied minors

    • Drug/alcohol use severely impairing development    
    • ×

      Drug/alcohol use severely impairing development

    • Frequently missing from home resulting in self-neglect    
    • ×

      Frequently missing from home resulting in self-neglect

    • Relationship breakdown between child & parent    
    • ×

      Relationship breakdown between child & parent

    • Offending and in the criminal justice system    
    • ×

      Offending and in the criminal justice system


      Offending and in the criminal justice system

    • Unexplained / suspicious injury    
    • ×

      Unexplained / suspicious injury

  • Family & Environment
    • Positive relationship between parents
    • ×

      Positive relationship between parents


      Positive relationship between parents

    • Stable & affectionate relationships with caregivers
    • ×

      Stable & affectionate relationships with caregivers


      Stable & affectionate relationships with caregivers

    • Housed, good diet and kept healthy
    • ×

      Housed, good diet and kept healthy


      Housed, good diet and kept healthy

    • Supportive networks
    • ×

      Supportive networks


      Supportive networks

    • Access to positive activities
    • ×

      Access to positive activities


      Access to positive activities

    • Positive sense of self and abilities
    • ×

      Positive sense of self and abilities


      Positive sense of self and abilities

  • Family & Environment
    • Children of prisoners/ parents subject to community orders    
    • ×

      Children of prisoners/ parents subject to community orders

    • Low income affects achievement    
    • ×

      Low income affects achievement

    • Parental conflict and risk of relationship breakdown    
    • ×

      Parental conflict and risk of relationship breakdown

    • Concerns about possible domestic abuse    
    • ×

      Concerns about possible domestic abuse

  • Family & Environment
    • Housing tenancy at risk    
    • ×

      Housing tenancy at risk


      Housing tenancy at risk

    • Harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown    
    • ×

      Harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown


      Harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown

    • Transient families  
    • ×

      Transient families


      Transient families

    • Domestic abuse & coercive control    
    • ×

      Domestic abuse & coercive control

    • No recourse to public funds    
    • ×

      No recourse to public funds

  • Family & Environment
    • Significantly harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown    
    • ×

      Significantly harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown


      Significantly harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown

    • Suspicion of physical, emotional or sexual abuse or neglect    
    • ×

      Suspicion of physical, emotional or sexual abuse or neglect


      Suspicion of physical, emotional or sexual abuse or neglect

    • Domestic abuse resulting in child being at risk of significant harm    
    • ×

      Domestic abuse resulting in child being at risk of significant harm

    • Homeless Child/Young Person    
    • ×

      Homeless Child/Young Person

    • Family intentionally homeless    
    • ×

      Family intentionally homeless

    • Extreme poverty affecting child well-being    
    • ×

      Extreme poverty affecting child well-being


      Extreme poverty affecting child well-being

    • Forced Marriage, Honour Based Violence, Female Genital Mutilation    
    • ×

      Forced Marriage, Honour Based Violence, Female Genital Mutilation

  • Parents & Carers
    • Protected by carers
    • ×

      Protected by carers


      Protected by carers

    • Secure and caring home
    • ×

      Secure and caring home


      Secure and caring home

    • Receive and act on information, advice and guidance
    • ×

      Receive and act on information, advice and guidance


      Receive and act on information, advice and guidance

    • Appropriate boundaries maintained
    • ×

      Appropriate boundaries maintained


      Appropriate boundaries maintained

  • Parents & Carers
    • Inconsistent care arrangements  
    • ×

      Inconsistent care arrangements


      Inconsistent care arrangements

    • Poor supervision by parent/carer    
    • ×

      Poor supervision by parent/carer


      Poor supervision by parent/carer

    • Poor response to child’s physical, emotional or health needs    
    • ×

      Poor response to child’s physical, emotional or health needs


      Poor response to child’s physical, emotional or health needs

    • Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)  
    • ×

      Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)


      Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)

  • Parents & Carers
    • Parental learning or physical disability, substance misuse, or mental health impacts on parenting    
    • ×

      Parental learning or physical disability, substance misuse, or mental health impacts on parenting

    • Inconsistent care arrangements  
    • ×

      Inconsistent care arrangements


      Inconsistent care arrangements

    • Poor supervision by parent/carer  
    • ×

      Poor supervision by parent/carer


      Poor supervision by parent/carer

    • Poor response to identified needs    
    • ×

      Poor response to identified needs


      Poor response to identified needs

    • Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences  
    • ×

      Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences


      Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences

  • Parents & Carers
    • Edge of care  
    • ×

      Edge of care


      Edge of care

    • Parental encouragement of abusive/offending behaviour
    • ×

      Parental encouragement of abusive/offending behaviour


      Parental encouragement of abusive/offending behaviour

    • Continuing poor supervision in the home    
    • ×

      Continuing poor supervision in the home

    • Parental non-compliance / superficial co-operation    
    • ×

      Parental non-compliance / superficial co-operation

    • Inconsistent parenting affects child’s developmental progress  
    • ×

      Inconsistent parenting affects child’s developmental progress


      Inconsistent parenting affects child’s developmental progress

    • Private fostering    
    • ×

      Private fostering

  • Level of assessment
    No formal assessment
  • Level of assessment
    Consider commencement of Early Help Assessment / Pastoral Support Plan
  • Level of assessment
    Strengthening Families Early Help Assessment and Plan
  • Level of assessment
    Strengthening Families > Child in Need Plan or Child Protection Conference
  • Go direct to Service or search the Family Service Directory for the Local Offer, or call the Family Information Service on 01273 293545
  • Early Help Strengthening Families Assessment & Plan. If you require advice or guidance in respect of the child needs contact the Front Door For Families on 01273 290400
  • Contact Front Door For Families on 01273 290400 or if the child is at immediate risk call the Police on 999

West Sussex Safeguarding Month

In November of this year, our colleagues in the West Sussex Safeguarding Children Partnership are running a series of events.

Brighton and Hove staff have been offered places on the sessions running on the 14th and 19th November, which are being presented by the Border Force. These events are being being advertised via the “Eventbrite” system, and can be booked by following a link West-Sussex-Safeguarding-Month 2019

This 3 hour session will provide you with an awareness of the work carried out by Border Force in relation to a range of vulnerabilities and risks to children and young people. You will receive an overview of current legislation, the potential risks to children and young people who travel to and from the UK as well as how Border Force work in partnership with other agencies and organisation.

  • 1. Universal

    Has needs met within universal provision. May need limited intervention within the setting to avoid needs arising.

  • 2. Early Help

    Has additional needs identified within the setting that can be met within identified resources through a single agency response and partnership working.

  • 3. Early Help Partnership Plus

    Has multiple needs requiring a multi-agency coordinated response.

  • 4. Specialist Services to address Acute & Chronic need

    Has a high level of unmet & complex needs, or is in need of protection.

  • Child developmental needs
    • Good attendance (above 90%)
    • ×

      Good attendance (above 90%)


      Good attendance (above 90%)

    • Meeting developmental & learning milestones
    • ×

      Meeting developmental & learning milestones


      Meeting developmental & learning milestones

    • Has emotional well-being
    • ×

      Has emotional well-being


      Has emotional well-being

    • Ability to protect self and be protected
    • ×

      Ability to protect self and be protected


      Ability to protect self and be protected

    • Resilient and able to adapt to change
    • ×

      Resilient and able to adapt to change


      Resilient and able to adapt to change

    • Physically healthy
    • ×

      Physically healthy


      Physically healthy

    • Age-appropriate self care & independence skills
    • ×

      Age-appropriate self care & independence skills


      Age-appropriate self care & independence skills

    • Ability to express needs
    • ×

      Ability to express needs


      Ability to express needs

  • Child developmental needs
    • Absence/truancy from school    
    • ×

      Absence/truancy from school


      Absence/truancy from school

    • Incidence of absence/missing from home    
    • ×

      Incidence of absence/missing from home

    • Persistent poor behaviour in school  
    • ×

      Persistent poor behaviour in school


      Persistent poor behaviour in school

    • Risk of social exclusion    
    • ×

      Risk of social exclusion


      Risk of social exclusion

    • Poor relationships  
    • ×

      Poor relationships


      Poor relationships

    • Language and communication difficulties  
    • ×

      Language and communication difficulties


      Language and communication difficulties

    • Disability or additional special educational needs    
    • ×

      Disability or additional special educational needs


      Disability or additional special educational needs

    • Difficulty in achieving in education  
    • ×

      Difficulty in achieving in education


      Difficulty in achieving in education

    • Potential for becoming Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET)    
    • ×

      Potential for becoming Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET)


      Potential for becoming Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET)

    • Slow in meeting developmental milestones    
    • ×

      Slow in meeting developmental milestones


      Slow in meeting developmental milestones

    • Missing health checks/immunisations    
    • ×

      Missing health checks/immunisations

    • Minor health problems  
    • ×

      Minor health problems


      Minor health problems

    • Early signs of offending/anti-social behaviour  
    • ×

      Early signs of offending/anti-social behaviour


      Early signs of offending/anti-social behaviour

    • Underage sexual activity    
    • ×

      Underage sexual activity

    • Early signs of drug/alcohol misuse    
    • ×

      Early signs of drug/alcohol misuse

    • Poor self-esteem    
    • ×

      Poor self-esteem

    • Low level emotional & behavioural issues that may be linked to attachment and/or emotional development delay    
    • ×

      Low level emotional & behavioural issues that may be linked to attachment and/or emotional development delay

    • Young carers    
    • ×

      Young carers

    • Bullying    
    • ×




    • Children who have previously been in Care, and children living away from their birth parents e.g adopted children, Special Guardianship Orders, Kinship Care.  
    • ×

      Children who have previously been in Care, and children living away from their birth parents e.g adopted children, Special Guardianship Orders, Kinship Care.


      Children who have previously been in Care, and children living away from their birth parents e.g adopted children, Special Guardianship Orders, Kinship Care.

  • Child developmental needs
    Despite intervention at 2, there is evidence of continuing and escalating need:
    • Persistent absence from school    
    • ×

      Persistent absence from school


      Persistent absence from school

    • Missing from school/ home regularly with no explanation    
    • ×

      Missing from school/ home regularly with no explanation

    • Fixed Term exclusions/no school place  
    • ×

      Fixed Term exclusions/no school place


      Fixed Term exclusions/no school place

    • Social exclusion    
    • ×

      Social exclusion


      Social exclusion

    • Poor relationships  
    • ×

      Poor relationships


      Poor relationships

    • No access to universal services / “Hidden Children”    
    • ×

      No access to universal services / “Hidden Children”


      No access to universal services / “Hidden Children”

    • Significant disabilities    
    • ×

      Significant disabilities

    • NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training)    
    • ×

      NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training)


      NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training)

    • Developmental milestones not being met due to persistent parental failure/inability    
    • ×

      Developmental milestones not being met due to persistent parental failure/inability


      Developmental milestones not being met due to persistent parental failure/inability

    • Chronic/recurring health problems    
    • ×

      Chronic/recurring health problems


      Chronic/recurring health problems

    • Regular missed appointments affecting developmental progress    
    • ×

      Regular missed appointments affecting developmental progress


      Regular missed appointments affecting developmental progress

    • Teenage pregnancy    
    • ×

      Teenage pregnancy

    • Drug/alcohol misuse impacting negatively    
    • ×

      Drug/alcohol misuse impacting negatively

    • Risky sexual behaviour (e.g. unprotected sex)    
    • ×

      Risky sexual behaviour (e.g. unprotected sex)

    • Offending / anti-social behaviour resulting in risk of entering Youth Justice System  
    • ×

      Offending / anti-social behaviour resulting in risk of entering Youth Justice System


      Offending / anti-social behaviour resulting in risk of entering Youth Justice System

    • Emotional / mental health issues    
    • ×

      Emotional / mental health issues


      Emotional / mental health issues

  • Child developmental needs
    • Chronic persistent absence, permanent exclusions or no school place that risks entry to the care system  
    • ×

      Chronic persistent absence, permanent exclusions or no school place that risks entry to the care system


      Chronic persistent absence, permanent exclusions or no school place that risks entry to the care system

    • Persistent social exclusion    
    • ×

      Persistent social exclusion


      Persistent social exclusion

    • Poor relationships  
    • ×

      Poor relationships


      Poor relationships

    • Complex / multiple disabilities    
    • ×

      Complex / multiple disabilities

    • Complex mental health issues affecting development needs, including self harm    
    • ×

      Complex mental health issues affecting development needs, including self harm


      Complex mental health issues affecting development needs, including self harm

    • High level emotional health issues and very low self-esteem    
    • ×

      High level emotional health issues and very low self-esteem

    • Non-organic failure to thrive  
    • ×

      Non-organic failure to thrive


      Non-organic failure to thrive

    • Inappropriate sexual knowledge / sexualised behaviour for age.    
    • ×

      Inappropriate sexual knowledge / sexualised behaviour for age.


      Inappropriate sexual knowledge / sexualised behaviour for age.

    • Harmful Sexual Behaviour / Peer on Peer Abuse    
    • ×

      Harmful Sexual Behaviour / Peer on Peer Abuse

    • Teenage parent/pregnancy under the age of 13    
    • ×

      Teenage parent/pregnancy under the age of 13

    • Concerns about exploitation (including sexual exploitation/ abuse, radicalisation; criminal exploitation; gang affiliation)    
    • ×

      Concerns about exploitation (including sexual exploitation/ abuse, radicalisation; criminal exploitation; gang affiliation)

    • Child victims of modern slavery or human trafficking    
    • ×

      Child victims of modern slavery or human trafficking


      Child victims of modern slavery or human trafficking

    • Unaccompanied minors    
    • ×

      Unaccompanied minors

    • Drug/alcohol use severely impairing development    
    • ×

      Drug/alcohol use severely impairing development

    • Frequently missing from home resulting in self-neglect    
    • ×

      Frequently missing from home resulting in self-neglect

    • Relationship breakdown between child & parent    
    • ×

      Relationship breakdown between child & parent

    • Offending and in the criminal justice system    
    • ×

      Offending and in the criminal justice system


      Offending and in the criminal justice system

    • Unexplained / suspicious injury    
    • ×

      Unexplained / suspicious injury

  • Family & Environment
    • Positive relationship between parents
    • ×

      Positive relationship between parents


      Positive relationship between parents

    • Stable & affectionate relationships with caregivers
    • ×

      Stable & affectionate relationships with caregivers


      Stable & affectionate relationships with caregivers

    • Housed, good diet and kept healthy
    • ×

      Housed, good diet and kept healthy


      Housed, good diet and kept healthy

    • Supportive networks
    • ×

      Supportive networks


      Supportive networks

    • Access to positive activities
    • ×

      Access to positive activities


      Access to positive activities

    • Positive sense of self and abilities
    • ×

      Positive sense of self and abilities


      Positive sense of self and abilities

  • Family & Environment
    • Children of prisoners/ parents subject to community orders    
    • ×

      Children of prisoners/ parents subject to community orders

    • Low income affects achievement    
    • ×

      Low income affects achievement

    • Parental conflict and risk of relationship breakdown    
    • ×

      Parental conflict and risk of relationship breakdown

    • Concerns about possible domestic abuse    
    • ×

      Concerns about possible domestic abuse

  • Family & Environment
    • Housing tenancy at risk    
    • ×

      Housing tenancy at risk


      Housing tenancy at risk

    • Harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown    
    • ×

      Harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown


      Harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown

    • Transient families  
    • ×

      Transient families


      Transient families

    • Domestic abuse & coercive control    
    • ×

      Domestic abuse & coercive control

    • No recourse to public funds    
    • ×

      No recourse to public funds

  • Family & Environment
    • Significantly harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown    
    • ×

      Significantly harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown


      Significantly harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown

    • Suspicion of physical, emotional or sexual abuse or neglect    
    • ×

      Suspicion of physical, emotional or sexual abuse or neglect


      Suspicion of physical, emotional or sexual abuse or neglect

    • Domestic abuse resulting in child being at risk of significant harm    
    • ×

      Domestic abuse resulting in child being at risk of significant harm

    • Homeless Child/Young Person    
    • ×

      Homeless Child/Young Person

    • Family intentionally homeless    
    • ×

      Family intentionally homeless

    • Extreme poverty affecting child well-being    
    • ×

      Extreme poverty affecting child well-being


      Extreme poverty affecting child well-being

    • Forced Marriage, Honour Based Violence, Female Genital Mutilation    
    • ×

      Forced Marriage, Honour Based Violence, Female Genital Mutilation

  • Parents & Carers
    • Protected by carers
    • ×

      Protected by carers


      Protected by carers

    • Secure and caring home
    • ×

      Secure and caring home


      Secure and caring home

    • Receive and act on information, advice and guidance
    • ×

      Receive and act on information, advice and guidance


      Receive and act on information, advice and guidance

    • Appropriate boundaries maintained
    • ×

      Appropriate boundaries maintained


      Appropriate boundaries maintained

  • Parents & Carers
    • Inconsistent care arrangements  
    • ×

      Inconsistent care arrangements


      Inconsistent care arrangements

    • Poor supervision by parent/carer    
    • ×

      Poor supervision by parent/carer


      Poor supervision by parent/carer

    • Poor response to child’s physical, emotional or health needs    
    • ×

      Poor response to child’s physical, emotional or health needs


      Poor response to child’s physical, emotional or health needs

    • Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)  
    • ×

      Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)


      Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)

  • Parents & Carers
    • Parental learning or physical disability, substance misuse, or mental health impacts on parenting    
    • ×

      Parental learning or physical disability, substance misuse, or mental health impacts on parenting

    • Inconsistent care arrangements  
    • ×

      Inconsistent care arrangements


      Inconsistent care arrangements

    • Poor supervision by parent/carer  
    • ×

      Poor supervision by parent/carer


      Poor supervision by parent/carer

    • Poor response to identified needs    
    • ×

      Poor response to identified needs


      Poor response to identified needs

    • Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences  
    • ×

      Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences


      Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences

  • Parents & Carers
    • Edge of care  
    • ×

      Edge of care


      Edge of care

    • Parental encouragement of abusive/offending behaviour
    • ×

      Parental encouragement of abusive/offending behaviour


      Parental encouragement of abusive/offending behaviour

    • Continuing poor supervision in the home    
    • ×

      Continuing poor supervision in the home

    • Parental non-compliance / superficial co-operation    
    • ×

      Parental non-compliance / superficial co-operation

    • Inconsistent parenting affects child’s developmental progress  
    • ×

      Inconsistent parenting affects child’s developmental progress


      Inconsistent parenting affects child’s developmental progress

    • Private fostering    
    • ×

      Private fostering

  • Level of assessment
    No formal assessment
  • Level of assessment
    Consider commencement of Early Help Assessment / Pastoral Support Plan
  • Level of assessment
    Strengthening Families Early Help Assessment and Plan
  • Level of assessment
    Strengthening Families > Child in Need Plan or Child Protection Conference
  • Go direct to Service or search the Family Service Directory for the Local Offer, or call the Family Information Service on 01273 293545
  • Early Help Strengthening Families Assessment & Plan. If you require advice or guidance in respect of the child needs contact the Front Door For Families on 01273 290400
  • Contact Front Door For Families on 01273 290400 or if the child is at immediate risk call the Police on 999

News Letter

Brighton and Hove Safeguarding Children Partnership arrangements are almost finalised, and within the next few weeks all electronic and social media formats will also be active. The new website will also be completed and will look refreshed and updated, it will still hold all the relevant information and give direction to services and resources that can be used to safeguarding children and young people across our local authority area.

We have complied an Newsletter – Autumn 2019 to provide details of the changes and also to give information for up coming training events and Safeguarding Week 2019.

The current Safeguarding Team are working to maintain continuity, while these changes are put in place and you are welcome to contact us, if you have any concerns or need updates – 01273 292379

  • 1. Universal

    Has needs met within universal provision. May need limited intervention within the setting to avoid needs arising.

  • 2. Early Help

    Has additional needs identified within the setting that can be met within identified resources through a single agency response and partnership working.

  • 3. Early Help Partnership Plus

    Has multiple needs requiring a multi-agency coordinated response.

  • 4. Specialist Services to address Acute & Chronic need

    Has a high level of unmet & complex needs, or is in need of protection.

  • Child developmental needs
    • Good attendance (above 90%)
    • ×

      Good attendance (above 90%)


      Good attendance (above 90%)

    • Meeting developmental & learning milestones
    • ×

      Meeting developmental & learning milestones


      Meeting developmental & learning milestones

    • Has emotional well-being
    • ×

      Has emotional well-being


      Has emotional well-being

    • Ability to protect self and be protected
    • ×

      Ability to protect self and be protected


      Ability to protect self and be protected

    • Resilient and able to adapt to change
    • ×

      Resilient and able to adapt to change


      Resilient and able to adapt to change

    • Physically healthy
    • ×

      Physically healthy


      Physically healthy

    • Age-appropriate self care & independence skills
    • ×

      Age-appropriate self care & independence skills


      Age-appropriate self care & independence skills

    • Ability to express needs
    • ×

      Ability to express needs


      Ability to express needs

  • Child developmental needs
    • Absence/truancy from school    
    • ×

      Absence/truancy from school


      Absence/truancy from school

    • Incidence of absence/missing from home    
    • ×

      Incidence of absence/missing from home

    • Persistent poor behaviour in school  
    • ×

      Persistent poor behaviour in school


      Persistent poor behaviour in school

    • Risk of social exclusion    
    • ×

      Risk of social exclusion


      Risk of social exclusion

    • Poor relationships  
    • ×

      Poor relationships


      Poor relationships

    • Language and communication difficulties  
    • ×

      Language and communication difficulties


      Language and communication difficulties

    • Disability or additional special educational needs    
    • ×

      Disability or additional special educational needs


      Disability or additional special educational needs

    • Difficulty in achieving in education  
    • ×

      Difficulty in achieving in education


      Difficulty in achieving in education

    • Potential for becoming Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET)    
    • ×

      Potential for becoming Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET)


      Potential for becoming Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET)

    • Slow in meeting developmental milestones    
    • ×

      Slow in meeting developmental milestones


      Slow in meeting developmental milestones

    • Missing health checks/immunisations    
    • ×

      Missing health checks/immunisations

    • Minor health problems  
    • ×

      Minor health problems


      Minor health problems

    • Early signs of offending/anti-social behaviour  
    • ×

      Early signs of offending/anti-social behaviour


      Early signs of offending/anti-social behaviour

    • Underage sexual activity    
    • ×

      Underage sexual activity

    • Early signs of drug/alcohol misuse    
    • ×

      Early signs of drug/alcohol misuse

    • Poor self-esteem    
    • ×

      Poor self-esteem

    • Low level emotional & behavioural issues that may be linked to attachment and/or emotional development delay    
    • ×

      Low level emotional & behavioural issues that may be linked to attachment and/or emotional development delay

    • Young carers    
    • ×

      Young carers

    • Bullying    
    • ×




    • Children who have previously been in Care, and children living away from their birth parents e.g adopted children, Special Guardianship Orders, Kinship Care.  
    • ×

      Children who have previously been in Care, and children living away from their birth parents e.g adopted children, Special Guardianship Orders, Kinship Care.


      Children who have previously been in Care, and children living away from their birth parents e.g adopted children, Special Guardianship Orders, Kinship Care.

  • Child developmental needs
    Despite intervention at 2, there is evidence of continuing and escalating need:
    • Persistent absence from school    
    • ×

      Persistent absence from school


      Persistent absence from school

    • Missing from school/ home regularly with no explanation    
    • ×

      Missing from school/ home regularly with no explanation

    • Fixed Term exclusions/no school place  
    • ×

      Fixed Term exclusions/no school place


      Fixed Term exclusions/no school place

    • Social exclusion    
    • ×

      Social exclusion


      Social exclusion

    • Poor relationships  
    • ×

      Poor relationships


      Poor relationships

    • No access to universal services / “Hidden Children”    
    • ×

      No access to universal services / “Hidden Children”


      No access to universal services / “Hidden Children”

    • Significant disabilities    
    • ×

      Significant disabilities

    • NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training)    
    • ×

      NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training)


      NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training)

    • Developmental milestones not being met due to persistent parental failure/inability    
    • ×

      Developmental milestones not being met due to persistent parental failure/inability


      Developmental milestones not being met due to persistent parental failure/inability

    • Chronic/recurring health problems    
    • ×

      Chronic/recurring health problems


      Chronic/recurring health problems

    • Regular missed appointments affecting developmental progress    
    • ×

      Regular missed appointments affecting developmental progress


      Regular missed appointments affecting developmental progress

    • Teenage pregnancy    
    • ×

      Teenage pregnancy

    • Drug/alcohol misuse impacting negatively    
    • ×

      Drug/alcohol misuse impacting negatively

    • Risky sexual behaviour (e.g. unprotected sex)    
    • ×

      Risky sexual behaviour (e.g. unprotected sex)

    • Offending / anti-social behaviour resulting in risk of entering Youth Justice System  
    • ×

      Offending / anti-social behaviour resulting in risk of entering Youth Justice System


      Offending / anti-social behaviour resulting in risk of entering Youth Justice System

    • Emotional / mental health issues    
    • ×

      Emotional / mental health issues


      Emotional / mental health issues

  • Child developmental needs
    • Chronic persistent absence, permanent exclusions or no school place that risks entry to the care system  
    • ×

      Chronic persistent absence, permanent exclusions or no school place that risks entry to the care system


      Chronic persistent absence, permanent exclusions or no school place that risks entry to the care system

    • Persistent social exclusion    
    • ×

      Persistent social exclusion


      Persistent social exclusion

    • Poor relationships  
    • ×

      Poor relationships


      Poor relationships

    • Complex / multiple disabilities    
    • ×

      Complex / multiple disabilities

    • Complex mental health issues affecting development needs, including self harm    
    • ×

      Complex mental health issues affecting development needs, including self harm


      Complex mental health issues affecting development needs, including self harm

    • High level emotional health issues and very low self-esteem    
    • ×

      High level emotional health issues and very low self-esteem

    • Non-organic failure to thrive  
    • ×

      Non-organic failure to thrive


      Non-organic failure to thrive

    • Inappropriate sexual knowledge / sexualised behaviour for age.    
    • ×

      Inappropriate sexual knowledge / sexualised behaviour for age.


      Inappropriate sexual knowledge / sexualised behaviour for age.

    • Harmful Sexual Behaviour / Peer on Peer Abuse    
    • ×

      Harmful Sexual Behaviour / Peer on Peer Abuse

    • Teenage parent/pregnancy under the age of 13    
    • ×

      Teenage parent/pregnancy under the age of 13

    • Concerns about exploitation (including sexual exploitation/ abuse, radicalisation; criminal exploitation; gang affiliation)    
    • ×

      Concerns about exploitation (including sexual exploitation/ abuse, radicalisation; criminal exploitation; gang affiliation)

    • Child victims of modern slavery or human trafficking    
    • ×

      Child victims of modern slavery or human trafficking


      Child victims of modern slavery or human trafficking

    • Unaccompanied minors    
    • ×

      Unaccompanied minors

    • Drug/alcohol use severely impairing development    
    • ×

      Drug/alcohol use severely impairing development

    • Frequently missing from home resulting in self-neglect    
    • ×

      Frequently missing from home resulting in self-neglect

    • Relationship breakdown between child & parent    
    • ×

      Relationship breakdown between child & parent

    • Offending and in the criminal justice system    
    • ×

      Offending and in the criminal justice system


      Offending and in the criminal justice system

    • Unexplained / suspicious injury    
    • ×

      Unexplained / suspicious injury

  • Family & Environment
    • Positive relationship between parents
    • ×

      Positive relationship between parents


      Positive relationship between parents

    • Stable & affectionate relationships with caregivers
    • ×

      Stable & affectionate relationships with caregivers


      Stable & affectionate relationships with caregivers

    • Housed, good diet and kept healthy
    • ×

      Housed, good diet and kept healthy


      Housed, good diet and kept healthy

    • Supportive networks
    • ×

      Supportive networks


      Supportive networks

    • Access to positive activities
    • ×

      Access to positive activities


      Access to positive activities

    • Positive sense of self and abilities
    • ×

      Positive sense of self and abilities


      Positive sense of self and abilities

  • Family & Environment
    • Children of prisoners/ parents subject to community orders    
    • ×

      Children of prisoners/ parents subject to community orders

    • Low income affects achievement    
    • ×

      Low income affects achievement

    • Parental conflict and risk of relationship breakdown    
    • ×

      Parental conflict and risk of relationship breakdown

    • Concerns about possible domestic abuse    
    • ×

      Concerns about possible domestic abuse

  • Family & Environment
    • Housing tenancy at risk    
    • ×

      Housing tenancy at risk


      Housing tenancy at risk

    • Harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown    
    • ×

      Harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown


      Harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown

    • Transient families  
    • ×

      Transient families


      Transient families

    • Domestic abuse & coercive control    
    • ×

      Domestic abuse & coercive control

    • No recourse to public funds    
    • ×

      No recourse to public funds

  • Family & Environment
    • Significantly harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown    
    • ×

      Significantly harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown


      Significantly harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown

    • Suspicion of physical, emotional or sexual abuse or neglect    
    • ×

      Suspicion of physical, emotional or sexual abuse or neglect


      Suspicion of physical, emotional or sexual abuse or neglect

    • Domestic abuse resulting in child being at risk of significant harm    
    • ×

      Domestic abuse resulting in child being at risk of significant harm

    • Homeless Child/Young Person    
    • ×

      Homeless Child/Young Person

    • Family intentionally homeless    
    • ×

      Family intentionally homeless

    • Extreme poverty affecting child well-being    
    • ×

      Extreme poverty affecting child well-being


      Extreme poverty affecting child well-being

    • Forced Marriage, Honour Based Violence, Female Genital Mutilation    
    • ×

      Forced Marriage, Honour Based Violence, Female Genital Mutilation

  • Parents & Carers
    • Protected by carers
    • ×

      Protected by carers


      Protected by carers

    • Secure and caring home
    • ×

      Secure and caring home


      Secure and caring home

    • Receive and act on information, advice and guidance
    • ×

      Receive and act on information, advice and guidance


      Receive and act on information, advice and guidance

    • Appropriate boundaries maintained
    • ×

      Appropriate boundaries maintained


      Appropriate boundaries maintained

  • Parents & Carers
    • Inconsistent care arrangements  
    • ×

      Inconsistent care arrangements


      Inconsistent care arrangements

    • Poor supervision by parent/carer    
    • ×

      Poor supervision by parent/carer


      Poor supervision by parent/carer

    • Poor response to child’s physical, emotional or health needs    
    • ×

      Poor response to child’s physical, emotional or health needs


      Poor response to child’s physical, emotional or health needs

    • Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)  
    • ×

      Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)


      Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)

  • Parents & Carers
    • Parental learning or physical disability, substance misuse, or mental health impacts on parenting    
    • ×

      Parental learning or physical disability, substance misuse, or mental health impacts on parenting

    • Inconsistent care arrangements  
    • ×

      Inconsistent care arrangements


      Inconsistent care arrangements

    • Poor supervision by parent/carer  
    • ×

      Poor supervision by parent/carer


      Poor supervision by parent/carer

    • Poor response to identified needs    
    • ×

      Poor response to identified needs


      Poor response to identified needs

    • Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences  
    • ×

      Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences


      Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences

  • Parents & Carers
    • Edge of care  
    • ×

      Edge of care


      Edge of care

    • Parental encouragement of abusive/offending behaviour
    • ×

      Parental encouragement of abusive/offending behaviour


      Parental encouragement of abusive/offending behaviour

    • Continuing poor supervision in the home    
    • ×

      Continuing poor supervision in the home

    • Parental non-compliance / superficial co-operation    
    • ×

      Parental non-compliance / superficial co-operation

    • Inconsistent parenting affects child’s developmental progress  
    • ×

      Inconsistent parenting affects child’s developmental progress


      Inconsistent parenting affects child’s developmental progress

    • Private fostering    
    • ×

      Private fostering

  • Level of assessment
    No formal assessment
  • Level of assessment
    Consider commencement of Early Help Assessment / Pastoral Support Plan
  • Level of assessment
    Strengthening Families Early Help Assessment and Plan
  • Level of assessment
    Strengthening Families > Child in Need Plan or Child Protection Conference
  • Go direct to Service or search the Family Service Directory for the Local Offer, or call the Family Information Service on 01273 293545
  • Early Help Strengthening Families Assessment & Plan. If you require advice or guidance in respect of the child needs contact the Front Door For Families on 01273 290400
  • Contact Front Door For Families on 01273 290400 or if the child is at immediate risk call the Police on 999

Sudden Unexpected Child Death Training

This important subject is being covered in a days training event, which Brighton and Hove are running in conjunction with our Safeguarding Partners from West Sussex. The vent is being facilitated by various expert professionals, and lead by the Designated Doctor for both areas.

For more information and to sign up for the limited places left on this important training event please follow the links – Multi-Agency Training

There is also a printable flyer to highlight this event Sudden Unexpected Child Death Flyer OCTOBER 2019

  • 1. Universal

    Has needs met within universal provision. May need limited intervention within the setting to avoid needs arising.

  • 2. Early Help

    Has additional needs identified within the setting that can be met within identified resources through a single agency response and partnership working.

  • 3. Early Help Partnership Plus

    Has multiple needs requiring a multi-agency coordinated response.

  • 4. Specialist Services to address Acute & Chronic need

    Has a high level of unmet & complex needs, or is in need of protection.

  • Child developmental needs
    • Good attendance (above 90%)
    • ×

      Good attendance (above 90%)


      Good attendance (above 90%)

    • Meeting developmental & learning milestones
    • ×

      Meeting developmental & learning milestones


      Meeting developmental & learning milestones

    • Has emotional well-being
    • ×

      Has emotional well-being


      Has emotional well-being

    • Ability to protect self and be protected
    • ×

      Ability to protect self and be protected


      Ability to protect self and be protected

    • Resilient and able to adapt to change
    • ×

      Resilient and able to adapt to change


      Resilient and able to adapt to change

    • Physically healthy
    • ×

      Physically healthy


      Physically healthy

    • Age-appropriate self care & independence skills
    • ×

      Age-appropriate self care & independence skills


      Age-appropriate self care & independence skills

    • Ability to express needs
    • ×

      Ability to express needs


      Ability to express needs

  • Child developmental needs
    • Absence/truancy from school    
    • ×

      Absence/truancy from school


      Absence/truancy from school

    • Incidence of absence/missing from home    
    • ×

      Incidence of absence/missing from home

    • Persistent poor behaviour in school  
    • ×

      Persistent poor behaviour in school


      Persistent poor behaviour in school

    • Risk of social exclusion    
    • ×

      Risk of social exclusion


      Risk of social exclusion

    • Poor relationships  
    • ×

      Poor relationships


      Poor relationships

    • Language and communication difficulties  
    • ×

      Language and communication difficulties


      Language and communication difficulties

    • Disability or additional special educational needs    
    • ×

      Disability or additional special educational needs


      Disability or additional special educational needs

    • Difficulty in achieving in education  
    • ×

      Difficulty in achieving in education


      Difficulty in achieving in education

    • Potential for becoming Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET)    
    • ×

      Potential for becoming Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET)


      Potential for becoming Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET)

    • Slow in meeting developmental milestones    
    • ×

      Slow in meeting developmental milestones


      Slow in meeting developmental milestones

    • Missing health checks/immunisations    
    • ×

      Missing health checks/immunisations

    • Minor health problems  
    • ×

      Minor health problems


      Minor health problems

    • Early signs of offending/anti-social behaviour  
    • ×

      Early signs of offending/anti-social behaviour


      Early signs of offending/anti-social behaviour

    • Underage sexual activity    
    • ×

      Underage sexual activity

    • Early signs of drug/alcohol misuse    
    • ×

      Early signs of drug/alcohol misuse

    • Poor self-esteem    
    • ×

      Poor self-esteem

    • Low level emotional & behavioural issues that may be linked to attachment and/or emotional development delay    
    • ×

      Low level emotional & behavioural issues that may be linked to attachment and/or emotional development delay

    • Young carers    
    • ×

      Young carers

    • Bullying    
    • ×




    • Children who have previously been in Care, and children living away from their birth parents e.g adopted children, Special Guardianship Orders, Kinship Care.  
    • ×

      Children who have previously been in Care, and children living away from their birth parents e.g adopted children, Special Guardianship Orders, Kinship Care.


      Children who have previously been in Care, and children living away from their birth parents e.g adopted children, Special Guardianship Orders, Kinship Care.

  • Child developmental needs
    Despite intervention at 2, there is evidence of continuing and escalating need:
    • Persistent absence from school    
    • ×

      Persistent absence from school


      Persistent absence from school

    • Missing from school/ home regularly with no explanation    
    • ×

      Missing from school/ home regularly with no explanation

    • Fixed Term exclusions/no school place  
    • ×

      Fixed Term exclusions/no school place


      Fixed Term exclusions/no school place

    • Social exclusion    
    • ×

      Social exclusion


      Social exclusion

    • Poor relationships  
    • ×

      Poor relationships


      Poor relationships

    • No access to universal services / “Hidden Children”    
    • ×

      No access to universal services / “Hidden Children”


      No access to universal services / “Hidden Children”

    • Significant disabilities    
    • ×

      Significant disabilities

    • NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training)    
    • ×

      NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training)


      NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training)

    • Developmental milestones not being met due to persistent parental failure/inability    
    • ×

      Developmental milestones not being met due to persistent parental failure/inability


      Developmental milestones not being met due to persistent parental failure/inability

    • Chronic/recurring health problems    
    • ×

      Chronic/recurring health problems


      Chronic/recurring health problems

    • Regular missed appointments affecting developmental progress    
    • ×

      Regular missed appointments affecting developmental progress


      Regular missed appointments affecting developmental progress

    • Teenage pregnancy    
    • ×

      Teenage pregnancy

    • Drug/alcohol misuse impacting negatively    
    • ×

      Drug/alcohol misuse impacting negatively

    • Risky sexual behaviour (e.g. unprotected sex)    
    • ×

      Risky sexual behaviour (e.g. unprotected sex)

    • Offending / anti-social behaviour resulting in risk of entering Youth Justice System  
    • ×

      Offending / anti-social behaviour resulting in risk of entering Youth Justice System


      Offending / anti-social behaviour resulting in risk of entering Youth Justice System

    • Emotional / mental health issues    
    • ×

      Emotional / mental health issues


      Emotional / mental health issues

  • Child developmental needs
    • Chronic persistent absence, permanent exclusions or no school place that risks entry to the care system  
    • ×

      Chronic persistent absence, permanent exclusions or no school place that risks entry to the care system


      Chronic persistent absence, permanent exclusions or no school place that risks entry to the care system

    • Persistent social exclusion    
    • ×

      Persistent social exclusion


      Persistent social exclusion

    • Poor relationships  
    • ×

      Poor relationships


      Poor relationships

    • Complex / multiple disabilities    
    • ×

      Complex / multiple disabilities

    • Complex mental health issues affecting development needs, including self harm    
    • ×

      Complex mental health issues affecting development needs, including self harm


      Complex mental health issues affecting development needs, including self harm

    • High level emotional health issues and very low self-esteem    
    • ×

      High level emotional health issues and very low self-esteem

    • Non-organic failure to thrive  
    • ×

      Non-organic failure to thrive


      Non-organic failure to thrive

    • Inappropriate sexual knowledge / sexualised behaviour for age.    
    • ×

      Inappropriate sexual knowledge / sexualised behaviour for age.


      Inappropriate sexual knowledge / sexualised behaviour for age.

    • Harmful Sexual Behaviour / Peer on Peer Abuse    
    • ×

      Harmful Sexual Behaviour / Peer on Peer Abuse

    • Teenage parent/pregnancy under the age of 13    
    • ×

      Teenage parent/pregnancy under the age of 13

    • Concerns about exploitation (including sexual exploitation/ abuse, radicalisation; criminal exploitation; gang affiliation)    
    • ×

      Concerns about exploitation (including sexual exploitation/ abuse, radicalisation; criminal exploitation; gang affiliation)

    • Child victims of modern slavery or human trafficking    
    • ×

      Child victims of modern slavery or human trafficking


      Child victims of modern slavery or human trafficking

    • Unaccompanied minors    
    • ×

      Unaccompanied minors

    • Drug/alcohol use severely impairing development    
    • ×

      Drug/alcohol use severely impairing development

    • Frequently missing from home resulting in self-neglect    
    • ×

      Frequently missing from home resulting in self-neglect

    • Relationship breakdown between child & parent    
    • ×

      Relationship breakdown between child & parent

    • Offending and in the criminal justice system    
    • ×

      Offending and in the criminal justice system


      Offending and in the criminal justice system

    • Unexplained / suspicious injury    
    • ×

      Unexplained / suspicious injury

  • Family & Environment
    • Positive relationship between parents
    • ×

      Positive relationship between parents


      Positive relationship between parents

    • Stable & affectionate relationships with caregivers
    • ×

      Stable & affectionate relationships with caregivers


      Stable & affectionate relationships with caregivers

    • Housed, good diet and kept healthy
    • ×

      Housed, good diet and kept healthy


      Housed, good diet and kept healthy

    • Supportive networks
    • ×

      Supportive networks


      Supportive networks

    • Access to positive activities
    • ×

      Access to positive activities


      Access to positive activities

    • Positive sense of self and abilities
    • ×

      Positive sense of self and abilities


      Positive sense of self and abilities

  • Family & Environment
    • Children of prisoners/ parents subject to community orders    
    • ×

      Children of prisoners/ parents subject to community orders

    • Low income affects achievement    
    • ×

      Low income affects achievement

    • Parental conflict and risk of relationship breakdown    
    • ×

      Parental conflict and risk of relationship breakdown

    • Concerns about possible domestic abuse    
    • ×

      Concerns about possible domestic abuse

  • Family & Environment
    • Housing tenancy at risk    
    • ×

      Housing tenancy at risk


      Housing tenancy at risk

    • Harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown    
    • ×

      Harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown


      Harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown

    • Transient families  
    • ×

      Transient families


      Transient families

    • Domestic abuse & coercive control    
    • ×

      Domestic abuse & coercive control

    • No recourse to public funds    
    • ×

      No recourse to public funds

  • Family & Environment
    • Significantly harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown    
    • ×

      Significantly harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown


      Significantly harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown

    • Suspicion of physical, emotional or sexual abuse or neglect    
    • ×

      Suspicion of physical, emotional or sexual abuse or neglect


      Suspicion of physical, emotional or sexual abuse or neglect

    • Domestic abuse resulting in child being at risk of significant harm    
    • ×

      Domestic abuse resulting in child being at risk of significant harm

    • Homeless Child/Young Person    
    • ×

      Homeless Child/Young Person

    • Family intentionally homeless    
    • ×

      Family intentionally homeless

    • Extreme poverty affecting child well-being    
    • ×

      Extreme poverty affecting child well-being


      Extreme poverty affecting child well-being

    • Forced Marriage, Honour Based Violence, Female Genital Mutilation    
    • ×

      Forced Marriage, Honour Based Violence, Female Genital Mutilation

  • Parents & Carers
    • Protected by carers
    • ×

      Protected by carers


      Protected by carers

    • Secure and caring home
    • ×

      Secure and caring home


      Secure and caring home

    • Receive and act on information, advice and guidance
    • ×

      Receive and act on information, advice and guidance


      Receive and act on information, advice and guidance

    • Appropriate boundaries maintained
    • ×

      Appropriate boundaries maintained


      Appropriate boundaries maintained

  • Parents & Carers
    • Inconsistent care arrangements  
    • ×

      Inconsistent care arrangements


      Inconsistent care arrangements

    • Poor supervision by parent/carer    
    • ×

      Poor supervision by parent/carer


      Poor supervision by parent/carer

    • Poor response to child’s physical, emotional or health needs    
    • ×

      Poor response to child’s physical, emotional or health needs


      Poor response to child’s physical, emotional or health needs

    • Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)  
    • ×

      Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)


      Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)

  • Parents & Carers
    • Parental learning or physical disability, substance misuse, or mental health impacts on parenting    
    • ×

      Parental learning or physical disability, substance misuse, or mental health impacts on parenting

    • Inconsistent care arrangements  
    • ×

      Inconsistent care arrangements


      Inconsistent care arrangements

    • Poor supervision by parent/carer  
    • ×

      Poor supervision by parent/carer


      Poor supervision by parent/carer

    • Poor response to identified needs    
    • ×

      Poor response to identified needs


      Poor response to identified needs

    • Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences  
    • ×

      Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences


      Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences

  • Parents & Carers
    • Edge of care  
    • ×

      Edge of care


      Edge of care

    • Parental encouragement of abusive/offending behaviour
    • ×

      Parental encouragement of abusive/offending behaviour


      Parental encouragement of abusive/offending behaviour

    • Continuing poor supervision in the home    
    • ×

      Continuing poor supervision in the home

    • Parental non-compliance / superficial co-operation    
    • ×

      Parental non-compliance / superficial co-operation

    • Inconsistent parenting affects child’s developmental progress  
    • ×

      Inconsistent parenting affects child’s developmental progress


      Inconsistent parenting affects child’s developmental progress

    • Private fostering    
    • ×

      Private fostering

  • Level of assessment
    No formal assessment
  • Level of assessment
    Consider commencement of Early Help Assessment / Pastoral Support Plan
  • Level of assessment
    Strengthening Families Early Help Assessment and Plan
  • Level of assessment
    Strengthening Families > Child in Need Plan or Child Protection Conference
  • Go direct to Service or search the Family Service Directory for the Local Offer, or call the Family Information Service on 01273 293545
  • Early Help Strengthening Families Assessment & Plan. If you require advice or guidance in respect of the child needs contact the Front Door For Families on 01273 290400
  • Contact Front Door For Families on 01273 290400 or if the child is at immediate risk call the Police on 999

Changes are coming…

We’ll soon be changing our website and twitter username to reflect our new name, the Brighton & Hove safeguarding partnership (BHSCP)! This change has come in response to Working Together (2018) in which it was set that all local safeguarding children boards are to transition into new safeguarding arrangements, with the local authority, police, and CCG all as equal partners.

Find out more about our new safeguarding arrangements here.

  • 1. Universal

    Has needs met within universal provision. May need limited intervention within the setting to avoid needs arising.

  • 2. Early Help

    Has additional needs identified within the setting that can be met within identified resources through a single agency response and partnership working.

  • 3. Early Help Partnership Plus

    Has multiple needs requiring a multi-agency coordinated response.

  • 4. Specialist Services to address Acute & Chronic need

    Has a high level of unmet & complex needs, or is in need of protection.

  • Child developmental needs
    • Good attendance (above 90%)
    • ×

      Good attendance (above 90%)


      Good attendance (above 90%)

    • Meeting developmental & learning milestones
    • ×

      Meeting developmental & learning milestones


      Meeting developmental & learning milestones

    • Has emotional well-being
    • ×

      Has emotional well-being


      Has emotional well-being

    • Ability to protect self and be protected
    • ×

      Ability to protect self and be protected


      Ability to protect self and be protected

    • Resilient and able to adapt to change
    • ×

      Resilient and able to adapt to change


      Resilient and able to adapt to change

    • Physically healthy
    • ×

      Physically healthy


      Physically healthy

    • Age-appropriate self care & independence skills
    • ×

      Age-appropriate self care & independence skills


      Age-appropriate self care & independence skills

    • Ability to express needs
    • ×

      Ability to express needs


      Ability to express needs

  • Child developmental needs
    • Absence/truancy from school    
    • ×

      Absence/truancy from school


      Absence/truancy from school

    • Incidence of absence/missing from home    
    • ×

      Incidence of absence/missing from home

    • Persistent poor behaviour in school  
    • ×

      Persistent poor behaviour in school


      Persistent poor behaviour in school

    • Risk of social exclusion    
    • ×

      Risk of social exclusion


      Risk of social exclusion

    • Poor relationships  
    • ×

      Poor relationships


      Poor relationships

    • Language and communication difficulties  
    • ×

      Language and communication difficulties


      Language and communication difficulties

    • Disability or additional special educational needs    
    • ×

      Disability or additional special educational needs


      Disability or additional special educational needs

    • Difficulty in achieving in education  
    • ×

      Difficulty in achieving in education


      Difficulty in achieving in education

    • Potential for becoming Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET)    
    • ×

      Potential for becoming Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET)


      Potential for becoming Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET)

    • Slow in meeting developmental milestones    
    • ×

      Slow in meeting developmental milestones


      Slow in meeting developmental milestones

    • Missing health checks/immunisations    
    • ×

      Missing health checks/immunisations

    • Minor health problems  
    • ×

      Minor health problems


      Minor health problems

    • Early signs of offending/anti-social behaviour  
    • ×

      Early signs of offending/anti-social behaviour


      Early signs of offending/anti-social behaviour

    • Underage sexual activity    
    • ×

      Underage sexual activity

    • Early signs of drug/alcohol misuse    
    • ×

      Early signs of drug/alcohol misuse

    • Poor self-esteem    
    • ×

      Poor self-esteem

    • Low level emotional & behavioural issues that may be linked to attachment and/or emotional development delay    
    • ×

      Low level emotional & behavioural issues that may be linked to attachment and/or emotional development delay

    • Young carers    
    • ×

      Young carers

    • Bullying    
    • ×




    • Children who have previously been in Care, and children living away from their birth parents e.g adopted children, Special Guardianship Orders, Kinship Care.  
    • ×

      Children who have previously been in Care, and children living away from their birth parents e.g adopted children, Special Guardianship Orders, Kinship Care.


      Children who have previously been in Care, and children living away from their birth parents e.g adopted children, Special Guardianship Orders, Kinship Care.

  • Child developmental needs
    Despite intervention at 2, there is evidence of continuing and escalating need:
    • Persistent absence from school    
    • ×

      Persistent absence from school


      Persistent absence from school

    • Missing from school/ home regularly with no explanation    
    • ×

      Missing from school/ home regularly with no explanation

    • Fixed Term exclusions/no school place  
    • ×

      Fixed Term exclusions/no school place


      Fixed Term exclusions/no school place

    • Social exclusion    
    • ×

      Social exclusion


      Social exclusion

    • Poor relationships  
    • ×

      Poor relationships


      Poor relationships

    • No access to universal services / “Hidden Children”    
    • ×

      No access to universal services / “Hidden Children”


      No access to universal services / “Hidden Children”

    • Significant disabilities    
    • ×

      Significant disabilities

    • NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training)    
    • ×

      NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training)


      NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training)

    • Developmental milestones not being met due to persistent parental failure/inability    
    • ×

      Developmental milestones not being met due to persistent parental failure/inability


      Developmental milestones not being met due to persistent parental failure/inability

    • Chronic/recurring health problems    
    • ×

      Chronic/recurring health problems


      Chronic/recurring health problems

    • Regular missed appointments affecting developmental progress    
    • ×

      Regular missed appointments affecting developmental progress


      Regular missed appointments affecting developmental progress

    • Teenage pregnancy    
    • ×

      Teenage pregnancy

    • Drug/alcohol misuse impacting negatively    
    • ×

      Drug/alcohol misuse impacting negatively

    • Risky sexual behaviour (e.g. unprotected sex)    
    • ×

      Risky sexual behaviour (e.g. unprotected sex)

    • Offending / anti-social behaviour resulting in risk of entering Youth Justice System  
    • ×

      Offending / anti-social behaviour resulting in risk of entering Youth Justice System


      Offending / anti-social behaviour resulting in risk of entering Youth Justice System

    • Emotional / mental health issues    
    • ×

      Emotional / mental health issues


      Emotional / mental health issues

  • Child developmental needs
    • Chronic persistent absence, permanent exclusions or no school place that risks entry to the care system  
    • ×

      Chronic persistent absence, permanent exclusions or no school place that risks entry to the care system


      Chronic persistent absence, permanent exclusions or no school place that risks entry to the care system

    • Persistent social exclusion    
    • ×

      Persistent social exclusion


      Persistent social exclusion

    • Poor relationships  
    • ×

      Poor relationships


      Poor relationships

    • Complex / multiple disabilities    
    • ×

      Complex / multiple disabilities

    • Complex mental health issues affecting development needs, including self harm    
    • ×

      Complex mental health issues affecting development needs, including self harm


      Complex mental health issues affecting development needs, including self harm

    • High level emotional health issues and very low self-esteem    
    • ×

      High level emotional health issues and very low self-esteem

    • Non-organic failure to thrive  
    • ×

      Non-organic failure to thrive


      Non-organic failure to thrive

    • Inappropriate sexual knowledge / sexualised behaviour for age.    
    • ×

      Inappropriate sexual knowledge / sexualised behaviour for age.


      Inappropriate sexual knowledge / sexualised behaviour for age.

    • Harmful Sexual Behaviour / Peer on Peer Abuse    
    • ×

      Harmful Sexual Behaviour / Peer on Peer Abuse

    • Teenage parent/pregnancy under the age of 13    
    • ×

      Teenage parent/pregnancy under the age of 13

    • Concerns about exploitation (including sexual exploitation/ abuse, radicalisation; criminal exploitation; gang affiliation)    
    • ×

      Concerns about exploitation (including sexual exploitation/ abuse, radicalisation; criminal exploitation; gang affiliation)

    • Child victims of modern slavery or human trafficking    
    • ×

      Child victims of modern slavery or human trafficking


      Child victims of modern slavery or human trafficking

    • Unaccompanied minors    
    • ×

      Unaccompanied minors

    • Drug/alcohol use severely impairing development    
    • ×

      Drug/alcohol use severely impairing development

    • Frequently missing from home resulting in self-neglect    
    • ×

      Frequently missing from home resulting in self-neglect

    • Relationship breakdown between child & parent    
    • ×

      Relationship breakdown between child & parent

    • Offending and in the criminal justice system    
    • ×

      Offending and in the criminal justice system


      Offending and in the criminal justice system

    • Unexplained / suspicious injury    
    • ×

      Unexplained / suspicious injury

  • Family & Environment
    • Positive relationship between parents
    • ×

      Positive relationship between parents


      Positive relationship between parents

    • Stable & affectionate relationships with caregivers
    • ×

      Stable & affectionate relationships with caregivers


      Stable & affectionate relationships with caregivers

    • Housed, good diet and kept healthy
    • ×

      Housed, good diet and kept healthy


      Housed, good diet and kept healthy

    • Supportive networks
    • ×

      Supportive networks


      Supportive networks

    • Access to positive activities
    • ×

      Access to positive activities


      Access to positive activities

    • Positive sense of self and abilities
    • ×

      Positive sense of self and abilities


      Positive sense of self and abilities

  • Family & Environment
    • Children of prisoners/ parents subject to community orders    
    • ×

      Children of prisoners/ parents subject to community orders

    • Low income affects achievement    
    • ×

      Low income affects achievement

    • Parental conflict and risk of relationship breakdown    
    • ×

      Parental conflict and risk of relationship breakdown

    • Concerns about possible domestic abuse    
    • ×

      Concerns about possible domestic abuse

  • Family & Environment
    • Housing tenancy at risk    
    • ×

      Housing tenancy at risk


      Housing tenancy at risk

    • Harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown    
    • ×

      Harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown


      Harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown

    • Transient families  
    • ×

      Transient families


      Transient families

    • Domestic abuse & coercive control    
    • ×

      Domestic abuse & coercive control

    • No recourse to public funds    
    • ×

      No recourse to public funds

  • Family & Environment
    • Significantly harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown    
    • ×

      Significantly harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown


      Significantly harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown

    • Suspicion of physical, emotional or sexual abuse or neglect    
    • ×

      Suspicion of physical, emotional or sexual abuse or neglect


      Suspicion of physical, emotional or sexual abuse or neglect

    • Domestic abuse resulting in child being at risk of significant harm    
    • ×

      Domestic abuse resulting in child being at risk of significant harm

    • Homeless Child/Young Person    
    • ×

      Homeless Child/Young Person

    • Family intentionally homeless    
    • ×

      Family intentionally homeless

    • Extreme poverty affecting child well-being    
    • ×

      Extreme poverty affecting child well-being


      Extreme poverty affecting child well-being

    • Forced Marriage, Honour Based Violence, Female Genital Mutilation    
    • ×

      Forced Marriage, Honour Based Violence, Female Genital Mutilation

  • Parents & Carers
    • Protected by carers
    • ×

      Protected by carers


      Protected by carers

    • Secure and caring home
    • ×

      Secure and caring home


      Secure and caring home

    • Receive and act on information, advice and guidance
    • ×

      Receive and act on information, advice and guidance


      Receive and act on information, advice and guidance

    • Appropriate boundaries maintained
    • ×

      Appropriate boundaries maintained


      Appropriate boundaries maintained

  • Parents & Carers
    • Inconsistent care arrangements  
    • ×

      Inconsistent care arrangements


      Inconsistent care arrangements

    • Poor supervision by parent/carer    
    • ×

      Poor supervision by parent/carer


      Poor supervision by parent/carer

    • Poor response to child’s physical, emotional or health needs    
    • ×

      Poor response to child’s physical, emotional or health needs


      Poor response to child’s physical, emotional or health needs

    • Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)  
    • ×

      Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)


      Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)

  • Parents & Carers
    • Parental learning or physical disability, substance misuse, or mental health impacts on parenting    
    • ×

      Parental learning or physical disability, substance misuse, or mental health impacts on parenting

    • Inconsistent care arrangements  
    • ×

      Inconsistent care arrangements


      Inconsistent care arrangements

    • Poor supervision by parent/carer  
    • ×

      Poor supervision by parent/carer


      Poor supervision by parent/carer

    • Poor response to identified needs    
    • ×

      Poor response to identified needs


      Poor response to identified needs

    • Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences  
    • ×

      Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences


      Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences

  • Parents & Carers
    • Edge of care  
    • ×

      Edge of care


      Edge of care

    • Parental encouragement of abusive/offending behaviour
    • ×

      Parental encouragement of abusive/offending behaviour


      Parental encouragement of abusive/offending behaviour

    • Continuing poor supervision in the home    
    • ×

      Continuing poor supervision in the home

    • Parental non-compliance / superficial co-operation    
    • ×

      Parental non-compliance / superficial co-operation

    • Inconsistent parenting affects child’s developmental progress  
    • ×

      Inconsistent parenting affects child’s developmental progress


      Inconsistent parenting affects child’s developmental progress

    • Private fostering    
    • ×

      Private fostering

  • Level of assessment
    No formal assessment
  • Level of assessment
    Consider commencement of Early Help Assessment / Pastoral Support Plan
  • Level of assessment
    Strengthening Families Early Help Assessment and Plan
  • Level of assessment
    Strengthening Families > Child in Need Plan or Child Protection Conference
  • Go direct to Service or search the Family Service Directory for the Local Offer, or call the Family Information Service on 01273 293545
  • Early Help Strengthening Families Assessment & Plan. If you require advice or guidance in respect of the child needs contact the Front Door For Families on 01273 290400
  • Contact Front Door For Families on 01273 290400 or if the child is at immediate risk call the Police on 999

Exploitation Training

Local training provider YMCA WiSE has been commissioned by Brighton & Hove Safeguarding Children Partnership (BHSCP) to deliver bespoke training to meet the needs of your service.

You can access this by following the link Exploitation training flyer

You can make of this service by telling them what you, need and how long you would like the session to be. They can bring the training to you, as we know it can be difficult to take staff out for a full days training. 

So if you feel that your staff would benefit from having a better understanding of exploitation in the various forms in which it can manifest itself, please make use of this service being offered.

You can also access a fuller days training via the Safeguarding Partnership website

Working to prevent the exploitation of
children and young people



  • 1. Universal

    Has needs met within universal provision. May need limited intervention within the setting to avoid needs arising.

  • 2. Early Help

    Has additional needs identified within the setting that can be met within identified resources through a single agency response and partnership working.

  • 3. Early Help Partnership Plus

    Has multiple needs requiring a multi-agency coordinated response.

  • 4. Specialist Services to address Acute & Chronic need

    Has a high level of unmet & complex needs, or is in need of protection.

  • Child developmental needs
    • Good attendance (above 90%)
    • ×

      Good attendance (above 90%)


      Good attendance (above 90%)

    • Meeting developmental & learning milestones
    • ×

      Meeting developmental & learning milestones


      Meeting developmental & learning milestones

    • Has emotional well-being
    • ×

      Has emotional well-being


      Has emotional well-being

    • Ability to protect self and be protected
    • ×

      Ability to protect self and be protected


      Ability to protect self and be protected

    • Resilient and able to adapt to change
    • ×

      Resilient and able to adapt to change


      Resilient and able to adapt to change

    • Physically healthy
    • ×

      Physically healthy


      Physically healthy

    • Age-appropriate self care & independence skills
    • ×

      Age-appropriate self care & independence skills


      Age-appropriate self care & independence skills

    • Ability to express needs
    • ×

      Ability to express needs


      Ability to express needs

  • Child developmental needs
    • Absence/truancy from school    
    • ×

      Absence/truancy from school


      Absence/truancy from school

    • Incidence of absence/missing from home    
    • ×

      Incidence of absence/missing from home

    • Persistent poor behaviour in school  
    • ×

      Persistent poor behaviour in school


      Persistent poor behaviour in school

    • Risk of social exclusion    
    • ×

      Risk of social exclusion


      Risk of social exclusion

    • Poor relationships  
    • ×

      Poor relationships


      Poor relationships

    • Language and communication difficulties  
    • ×

      Language and communication difficulties


      Language and communication difficulties

    • Disability or additional special educational needs    
    • ×

      Disability or additional special educational needs


      Disability or additional special educational needs

    • Difficulty in achieving in education  
    • ×

      Difficulty in achieving in education


      Difficulty in achieving in education

    • Potential for becoming Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET)    
    • ×

      Potential for becoming Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET)


      Potential for becoming Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET)

    • Slow in meeting developmental milestones    
    • ×

      Slow in meeting developmental milestones


      Slow in meeting developmental milestones

    • Missing health checks/immunisations    
    • ×

      Missing health checks/immunisations

    • Minor health problems  
    • ×

      Minor health problems


      Minor health problems

    • Early signs of offending/anti-social behaviour  
    • ×

      Early signs of offending/anti-social behaviour


      Early signs of offending/anti-social behaviour

    • Underage sexual activity    
    • ×

      Underage sexual activity

    • Early signs of drug/alcohol misuse    
    • ×

      Early signs of drug/alcohol misuse

    • Poor self-esteem    
    • ×

      Poor self-esteem

    • Low level emotional & behavioural issues that may be linked to attachment and/or emotional development delay    
    • ×

      Low level emotional & behavioural issues that may be linked to attachment and/or emotional development delay

    • Young carers    
    • ×

      Young carers

    • Bullying    
    • ×




    • Children who have previously been in Care, and children living away from their birth parents e.g adopted children, Special Guardianship Orders, Kinship Care.  
    • ×

      Children who have previously been in Care, and children living away from their birth parents e.g adopted children, Special Guardianship Orders, Kinship Care.


      Children who have previously been in Care, and children living away from their birth parents e.g adopted children, Special Guardianship Orders, Kinship Care.

  • Child developmental needs
    Despite intervention at 2, there is evidence of continuing and escalating need:
    • Persistent absence from school    
    • ×

      Persistent absence from school


      Persistent absence from school

    • Missing from school/ home regularly with no explanation    
    • ×

      Missing from school/ home regularly with no explanation

    • Fixed Term exclusions/no school place  
    • ×

      Fixed Term exclusions/no school place


      Fixed Term exclusions/no school place

    • Social exclusion    
    • ×

      Social exclusion


      Social exclusion

    • Poor relationships  
    • ×

      Poor relationships


      Poor relationships

    • No access to universal services / “Hidden Children”    
    • ×

      No access to universal services / “Hidden Children”


      No access to universal services / “Hidden Children”

    • Significant disabilities    
    • ×

      Significant disabilities

    • NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training)    
    • ×

      NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training)


      NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training)

    • Developmental milestones not being met due to persistent parental failure/inability    
    • ×

      Developmental milestones not being met due to persistent parental failure/inability


      Developmental milestones not being met due to persistent parental failure/inability

    • Chronic/recurring health problems    
    • ×

      Chronic/recurring health problems


      Chronic/recurring health problems

    • Regular missed appointments affecting developmental progress    
    • ×

      Regular missed appointments affecting developmental progress


      Regular missed appointments affecting developmental progress

    • Teenage pregnancy    
    • ×

      Teenage pregnancy

    • Drug/alcohol misuse impacting negatively    
    • ×

      Drug/alcohol misuse impacting negatively

    • Risky sexual behaviour (e.g. unprotected sex)    
    • ×

      Risky sexual behaviour (e.g. unprotected sex)

    • Offending / anti-social behaviour resulting in risk of entering Youth Justice System  
    • ×

      Offending / anti-social behaviour resulting in risk of entering Youth Justice System


      Offending / anti-social behaviour resulting in risk of entering Youth Justice System

    • Emotional / mental health issues    
    • ×

      Emotional / mental health issues


      Emotional / mental health issues

  • Child developmental needs
    • Chronic persistent absence, permanent exclusions or no school place that risks entry to the care system  
    • ×

      Chronic persistent absence, permanent exclusions or no school place that risks entry to the care system


      Chronic persistent absence, permanent exclusions or no school place that risks entry to the care system

    • Persistent social exclusion    
    • ×

      Persistent social exclusion


      Persistent social exclusion

    • Poor relationships  
    • ×

      Poor relationships


      Poor relationships

    • Complex / multiple disabilities    
    • ×

      Complex / multiple disabilities

    • Complex mental health issues affecting development needs, including self harm    
    • ×

      Complex mental health issues affecting development needs, including self harm


      Complex mental health issues affecting development needs, including self harm

    • High level emotional health issues and very low self-esteem    
    • ×

      High level emotional health issues and very low self-esteem

    • Non-organic failure to thrive  
    • ×

      Non-organic failure to thrive


      Non-organic failure to thrive

    • Inappropriate sexual knowledge / sexualised behaviour for age.    
    • ×

      Inappropriate sexual knowledge / sexualised behaviour for age.


      Inappropriate sexual knowledge / sexualised behaviour for age.

    • Harmful Sexual Behaviour / Peer on Peer Abuse    
    • ×

      Harmful Sexual Behaviour / Peer on Peer Abuse

    • Teenage parent/pregnancy under the age of 13    
    • ×

      Teenage parent/pregnancy under the age of 13

    • Concerns about exploitation (including sexual exploitation/ abuse, radicalisation; criminal exploitation; gang affiliation)    
    • ×

      Concerns about exploitation (including sexual exploitation/ abuse, radicalisation; criminal exploitation; gang affiliation)

    • Child victims of modern slavery or human trafficking    
    • ×

      Child victims of modern slavery or human trafficking


      Child victims of modern slavery or human trafficking

    • Unaccompanied minors    
    • ×

      Unaccompanied minors

    • Drug/alcohol use severely impairing development    
    • ×

      Drug/alcohol use severely impairing development

    • Frequently missing from home resulting in self-neglect    
    • ×

      Frequently missing from home resulting in self-neglect

    • Relationship breakdown between child & parent    
    • ×

      Relationship breakdown between child & parent

    • Offending and in the criminal justice system    
    • ×

      Offending and in the criminal justice system


      Offending and in the criminal justice system

    • Unexplained / suspicious injury    
    • ×

      Unexplained / suspicious injury

  • Family & Environment
    • Positive relationship between parents
    • ×

      Positive relationship between parents


      Positive relationship between parents

    • Stable & affectionate relationships with caregivers
    • ×

      Stable & affectionate relationships with caregivers


      Stable & affectionate relationships with caregivers

    • Housed, good diet and kept healthy
    • ×

      Housed, good diet and kept healthy


      Housed, good diet and kept healthy

    • Supportive networks
    • ×

      Supportive networks


      Supportive networks

    • Access to positive activities
    • ×

      Access to positive activities


      Access to positive activities

    • Positive sense of self and abilities
    • ×

      Positive sense of self and abilities


      Positive sense of self and abilities

  • Family & Environment
    • Children of prisoners/ parents subject to community orders    
    • ×

      Children of prisoners/ parents subject to community orders

    • Low income affects achievement    
    • ×

      Low income affects achievement

    • Parental conflict and risk of relationship breakdown    
    • ×

      Parental conflict and risk of relationship breakdown

    • Concerns about possible domestic abuse    
    • ×

      Concerns about possible domestic abuse

  • Family & Environment
    • Housing tenancy at risk    
    • ×

      Housing tenancy at risk


      Housing tenancy at risk

    • Harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown    
    • ×

      Harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown


      Harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown

    • Transient families  
    • ×

      Transient families


      Transient families

    • Domestic abuse & coercive control    
    • ×

      Domestic abuse & coercive control

    • No recourse to public funds    
    • ×

      No recourse to public funds

  • Family & Environment
    • Significantly harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown    
    • ×

      Significantly harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown


      Significantly harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown

    • Suspicion of physical, emotional or sexual abuse or neglect    
    • ×

      Suspicion of physical, emotional or sexual abuse or neglect


      Suspicion of physical, emotional or sexual abuse or neglect

    • Domestic abuse resulting in child being at risk of significant harm    
    • ×

      Domestic abuse resulting in child being at risk of significant harm

    • Homeless Child/Young Person    
    • ×

      Homeless Child/Young Person

    • Family intentionally homeless    
    • ×

      Family intentionally homeless

    • Extreme poverty affecting child well-being    
    • ×

      Extreme poverty affecting child well-being


      Extreme poverty affecting child well-being

    • Forced Marriage, Honour Based Violence, Female Genital Mutilation    
    • ×

      Forced Marriage, Honour Based Violence, Female Genital Mutilation

  • Parents & Carers
    • Protected by carers
    • ×

      Protected by carers


      Protected by carers

    • Secure and caring home
    • ×

      Secure and caring home


      Secure and caring home

    • Receive and act on information, advice and guidance
    • ×

      Receive and act on information, advice and guidance


      Receive and act on information, advice and guidance

    • Appropriate boundaries maintained
    • ×

      Appropriate boundaries maintained


      Appropriate boundaries maintained

  • Parents & Carers
    • Inconsistent care arrangements  
    • ×

      Inconsistent care arrangements


      Inconsistent care arrangements

    • Poor supervision by parent/carer    
    • ×

      Poor supervision by parent/carer


      Poor supervision by parent/carer

    • Poor response to child’s physical, emotional or health needs    
    • ×

      Poor response to child’s physical, emotional or health needs


      Poor response to child’s physical, emotional or health needs

    • Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)  
    • ×

      Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)


      Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)

  • Parents & Carers
    • Parental learning or physical disability, substance misuse, or mental health impacts on parenting    
    • ×

      Parental learning or physical disability, substance misuse, or mental health impacts on parenting

    • Inconsistent care arrangements  
    • ×

      Inconsistent care arrangements


      Inconsistent care arrangements

    • Poor supervision by parent/carer  
    • ×

      Poor supervision by parent/carer


      Poor supervision by parent/carer

    • Poor response to identified needs    
    • ×

      Poor response to identified needs


      Poor response to identified needs

    • Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences  
    • ×

      Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences


      Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences

  • Parents & Carers
    • Edge of care  
    • ×

      Edge of care


      Edge of care

    • Parental encouragement of abusive/offending behaviour
    • ×

      Parental encouragement of abusive/offending behaviour


      Parental encouragement of abusive/offending behaviour

    • Continuing poor supervision in the home    
    • ×

      Continuing poor supervision in the home

    • Parental non-compliance / superficial co-operation    
    • ×

      Parental non-compliance / superficial co-operation

    • Inconsistent parenting affects child’s developmental progress  
    • ×

      Inconsistent parenting affects child’s developmental progress


      Inconsistent parenting affects child’s developmental progress

    • Private fostering    
    • ×

      Private fostering

  • Level of assessment
    No formal assessment
  • Level of assessment
    Consider commencement of Early Help Assessment / Pastoral Support Plan
  • Level of assessment
    Strengthening Families Early Help Assessment and Plan
  • Level of assessment
    Strengthening Families > Child in Need Plan or Child Protection Conference
  • Go direct to Service or search the Family Service Directory for the Local Offer, or call the Family Information Service on 01273 293545
  • Early Help Strengthening Families Assessment & Plan. If you require advice or guidance in respect of the child needs contact the Front Door For Families on 01273 290400
  • Contact Front Door For Families on 01273 290400 or if the child is at immediate risk call the Police on 999

Safeguarding Week 2019

Brighton & Hove Safeguarding Children Partnership are running a week of events to highlight specific areas of risk and concern that effect the young people we all work with across our locality.

This year is being used to focus safeguarding professionals on the effects of young people’s mental health and how this can also be part of, or a manifestation of a larger picture of neglect for the young person.

The weeks sessions will look at aspects of recognition, potential interventions and assistance via services that can be offered to children, young people and their families. It will also consider the possible trauma caused by early neglect or abuse, which may in turn have led to poor mental health.

There is a full week of events,which can be found by following the link –  Safeguarding Week 2019

There is also a full 2019 programme  with fuller detail of each event.

All events (with full details) can be found on the Brighton & Hove Safeguarding Children Partnership (BHSCP) Website and booked via the Learning Gateway link on the BHCC website. 

The week will culminate with a joint seminar with colleagues from West Sussex, this will focus on recent Serious Case Reviews and Learning Reviews and also what changes are being made in local practice to assist safeguarding partners. Neglect Seminar

  • 1. Universal

    Has needs met within universal provision. May need limited intervention within the setting to avoid needs arising.

  • 2. Early Help

    Has additional needs identified within the setting that can be met within identified resources through a single agency response and partnership working.

  • 3. Early Help Partnership Plus

    Has multiple needs requiring a multi-agency coordinated response.

  • 4. Specialist Services to address Acute & Chronic need

    Has a high level of unmet & complex needs, or is in need of protection.

  • Child developmental needs
    • Good attendance (above 90%)
    • ×

      Good attendance (above 90%)


      Good attendance (above 90%)

    • Meeting developmental & learning milestones
    • ×

      Meeting developmental & learning milestones


      Meeting developmental & learning milestones

    • Has emotional well-being
    • ×

      Has emotional well-being


      Has emotional well-being

    • Ability to protect self and be protected
    • ×

      Ability to protect self and be protected


      Ability to protect self and be protected

    • Resilient and able to adapt to change
    • ×

      Resilient and able to adapt to change


      Resilient and able to adapt to change

    • Physically healthy
    • ×

      Physically healthy


      Physically healthy

    • Age-appropriate self care & independence skills
    • ×

      Age-appropriate self care & independence skills


      Age-appropriate self care & independence skills

    • Ability to express needs
    • ×

      Ability to express needs


      Ability to express needs

  • Child developmental needs
    • Absence/truancy from school    
    • ×

      Absence/truancy from school


      Absence/truancy from school

    • Incidence of absence/missing from home    
    • ×

      Incidence of absence/missing from home

    • Persistent poor behaviour in school  
    • ×

      Persistent poor behaviour in school


      Persistent poor behaviour in school

    • Risk of social exclusion    
    • ×

      Risk of social exclusion


      Risk of social exclusion

    • Poor relationships  
    • ×

      Poor relationships


      Poor relationships

    • Language and communication difficulties  
    • ×

      Language and communication difficulties


      Language and communication difficulties

    • Disability or additional special educational needs    
    • ×

      Disability or additional special educational needs


      Disability or additional special educational needs

    • Difficulty in achieving in education  
    • ×

      Difficulty in achieving in education


      Difficulty in achieving in education

    • Potential for becoming Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET)    
    • ×

      Potential for becoming Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET)


      Potential for becoming Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET)

    • Slow in meeting developmental milestones    
    • ×

      Slow in meeting developmental milestones


      Slow in meeting developmental milestones

    • Missing health checks/immunisations    
    • ×

      Missing health checks/immunisations

    • Minor health problems  
    • ×

      Minor health problems


      Minor health problems

    • Early signs of offending/anti-social behaviour  
    • ×

      Early signs of offending/anti-social behaviour


      Early signs of offending/anti-social behaviour

    • Underage sexual activity    
    • ×

      Underage sexual activity

    • Early signs of drug/alcohol misuse    
    • ×

      Early signs of drug/alcohol misuse

    • Poor self-esteem    
    • ×

      Poor self-esteem

    • Low level emotional & behavioural issues that may be linked to attachment and/or emotional development delay    
    • ×

      Low level emotional & behavioural issues that may be linked to attachment and/or emotional development delay

    • Young carers    
    • ×

      Young carers

    • Bullying    
    • ×




    • Children who have previously been in Care, and children living away from their birth parents e.g adopted children, Special Guardianship Orders, Kinship Care.  
    • ×

      Children who have previously been in Care, and children living away from their birth parents e.g adopted children, Special Guardianship Orders, Kinship Care.


      Children who have previously been in Care, and children living away from their birth parents e.g adopted children, Special Guardianship Orders, Kinship Care.

  • Child developmental needs
    Despite intervention at 2, there is evidence of continuing and escalating need:
    • Persistent absence from school    
    • ×

      Persistent absence from school


      Persistent absence from school

    • Missing from school/ home regularly with no explanation    
    • ×

      Missing from school/ home regularly with no explanation

    • Fixed Term exclusions/no school place  
    • ×

      Fixed Term exclusions/no school place


      Fixed Term exclusions/no school place

    • Social exclusion    
    • ×

      Social exclusion


      Social exclusion

    • Poor relationships  
    • ×

      Poor relationships


      Poor relationships

    • No access to universal services / “Hidden Children”    
    • ×

      No access to universal services / “Hidden Children”


      No access to universal services / “Hidden Children”

    • Significant disabilities    
    • ×

      Significant disabilities

    • NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training)    
    • ×

      NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training)


      NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training)

    • Developmental milestones not being met due to persistent parental failure/inability    
    • ×

      Developmental milestones not being met due to persistent parental failure/inability


      Developmental milestones not being met due to persistent parental failure/inability

    • Chronic/recurring health problems    
    • ×

      Chronic/recurring health problems


      Chronic/recurring health problems

    • Regular missed appointments affecting developmental progress    
    • ×

      Regular missed appointments affecting developmental progress


      Regular missed appointments affecting developmental progress

    • Teenage pregnancy    
    • ×

      Teenage pregnancy

    • Drug/alcohol misuse impacting negatively    
    • ×

      Drug/alcohol misuse impacting negatively

    • Risky sexual behaviour (e.g. unprotected sex)    
    • ×

      Risky sexual behaviour (e.g. unprotected sex)

    • Offending / anti-social behaviour resulting in risk of entering Youth Justice System  
    • ×

      Offending / anti-social behaviour resulting in risk of entering Youth Justice System


      Offending / anti-social behaviour resulting in risk of entering Youth Justice System

    • Emotional / mental health issues    
    • ×

      Emotional / mental health issues


      Emotional / mental health issues

  • Child developmental needs
    • Chronic persistent absence, permanent exclusions or no school place that risks entry to the care system  
    • ×

      Chronic persistent absence, permanent exclusions or no school place that risks entry to the care system


      Chronic persistent absence, permanent exclusions or no school place that risks entry to the care system

    • Persistent social exclusion    
    • ×

      Persistent social exclusion


      Persistent social exclusion

    • Poor relationships  
    • ×

      Poor relationships


      Poor relationships

    • Complex / multiple disabilities    
    • ×

      Complex / multiple disabilities

    • Complex mental health issues affecting development needs, including self harm    
    • ×

      Complex mental health issues affecting development needs, including self harm


      Complex mental health issues affecting development needs, including self harm

    • High level emotional health issues and very low self-esteem    
    • ×

      High level emotional health issues and very low self-esteem

    • Non-organic failure to thrive  
    • ×

      Non-organic failure to thrive


      Non-organic failure to thrive

    • Inappropriate sexual knowledge / sexualised behaviour for age.    
    • ×

      Inappropriate sexual knowledge / sexualised behaviour for age.


      Inappropriate sexual knowledge / sexualised behaviour for age.

    • Harmful Sexual Behaviour / Peer on Peer Abuse    
    • ×

      Harmful Sexual Behaviour / Peer on Peer Abuse

    • Teenage parent/pregnancy under the age of 13    
    • ×

      Teenage parent/pregnancy under the age of 13

    • Concerns about exploitation (including sexual exploitation/ abuse, radicalisation; criminal exploitation; gang affiliation)    
    • ×

      Concerns about exploitation (including sexual exploitation/ abuse, radicalisation; criminal exploitation; gang affiliation)

    • Child victims of modern slavery or human trafficking    
    • ×

      Child victims of modern slavery or human trafficking


      Child victims of modern slavery or human trafficking

    • Unaccompanied minors    
    • ×

      Unaccompanied minors

    • Drug/alcohol use severely impairing development    
    • ×

      Drug/alcohol use severely impairing development

    • Frequently missing from home resulting in self-neglect    
    • ×

      Frequently missing from home resulting in self-neglect

    • Relationship breakdown between child & parent    
    • ×

      Relationship breakdown between child & parent

    • Offending and in the criminal justice system    
    • ×

      Offending and in the criminal justice system


      Offending and in the criminal justice system

    • Unexplained / suspicious injury    
    • ×

      Unexplained / suspicious injury

  • Family & Environment
    • Positive relationship between parents
    • ×

      Positive relationship between parents


      Positive relationship between parents

    • Stable & affectionate relationships with caregivers
    • ×

      Stable & affectionate relationships with caregivers


      Stable & affectionate relationships with caregivers

    • Housed, good diet and kept healthy
    • ×

      Housed, good diet and kept healthy


      Housed, good diet and kept healthy

    • Supportive networks
    • ×

      Supportive networks


      Supportive networks

    • Access to positive activities
    • ×

      Access to positive activities


      Access to positive activities

    • Positive sense of self and abilities
    • ×

      Positive sense of self and abilities


      Positive sense of self and abilities

  • Family & Environment
    • Children of prisoners/ parents subject to community orders    
    • ×

      Children of prisoners/ parents subject to community orders

    • Low income affects achievement    
    • ×

      Low income affects achievement

    • Parental conflict and risk of relationship breakdown    
    • ×

      Parental conflict and risk of relationship breakdown

    • Concerns about possible domestic abuse    
    • ×

      Concerns about possible domestic abuse

  • Family & Environment
    • Housing tenancy at risk    
    • ×

      Housing tenancy at risk


      Housing tenancy at risk

    • Harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown    
    • ×

      Harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown


      Harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown

    • Transient families  
    • ×

      Transient families


      Transient families

    • Domestic abuse & coercive control    
    • ×

      Domestic abuse & coercive control

    • No recourse to public funds    
    • ×

      No recourse to public funds

  • Family & Environment
    • Significantly harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown    
    • ×

      Significantly harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown


      Significantly harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown

    • Suspicion of physical, emotional or sexual abuse or neglect    
    • ×

      Suspicion of physical, emotional or sexual abuse or neglect


      Suspicion of physical, emotional or sexual abuse or neglect

    • Domestic abuse resulting in child being at risk of significant harm    
    • ×

      Domestic abuse resulting in child being at risk of significant harm

    • Homeless Child/Young Person    
    • ×

      Homeless Child/Young Person

    • Family intentionally homeless    
    • ×

      Family intentionally homeless

    • Extreme poverty affecting child well-being    
    • ×

      Extreme poverty affecting child well-being


      Extreme poverty affecting child well-being

    • Forced Marriage, Honour Based Violence, Female Genital Mutilation    
    • ×

      Forced Marriage, Honour Based Violence, Female Genital Mutilation

  • Parents & Carers
    • Protected by carers
    • ×

      Protected by carers


      Protected by carers

    • Secure and caring home
    • ×

      Secure and caring home


      Secure and caring home

    • Receive and act on information, advice and guidance
    • ×

      Receive and act on information, advice and guidance


      Receive and act on information, advice and guidance

    • Appropriate boundaries maintained
    • ×

      Appropriate boundaries maintained


      Appropriate boundaries maintained

  • Parents & Carers
    • Inconsistent care arrangements  
    • ×

      Inconsistent care arrangements


      Inconsistent care arrangements

    • Poor supervision by parent/carer    
    • ×

      Poor supervision by parent/carer


      Poor supervision by parent/carer

    • Poor response to child’s physical, emotional or health needs    
    • ×

      Poor response to child’s physical, emotional or health needs


      Poor response to child’s physical, emotional or health needs

    • Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)  
    • ×

      Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)


      Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)

  • Parents & Carers
    • Parental learning or physical disability, substance misuse, or mental health impacts on parenting    
    • ×

      Parental learning or physical disability, substance misuse, or mental health impacts on parenting

    • Inconsistent care arrangements  
    • ×

      Inconsistent care arrangements


      Inconsistent care arrangements

    • Poor supervision by parent/carer  
    • ×

      Poor supervision by parent/carer


      Poor supervision by parent/carer

    • Poor response to identified needs    
    • ×

      Poor response to identified needs


      Poor response to identified needs

    • Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences  
    • ×

      Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences


      Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences

  • Parents & Carers
    • Edge of care  
    • ×

      Edge of care


      Edge of care

    • Parental encouragement of abusive/offending behaviour
    • ×

      Parental encouragement of abusive/offending behaviour


      Parental encouragement of abusive/offending behaviour

    • Continuing poor supervision in the home    
    • ×

      Continuing poor supervision in the home

    • Parental non-compliance / superficial co-operation    
    • ×

      Parental non-compliance / superficial co-operation

    • Inconsistent parenting affects child’s developmental progress  
    • ×

      Inconsistent parenting affects child’s developmental progress


      Inconsistent parenting affects child’s developmental progress

    • Private fostering    
    • ×

      Private fostering

  • Level of assessment
    No formal assessment
  • Level of assessment
    Consider commencement of Early Help Assessment / Pastoral Support Plan
  • Level of assessment
    Strengthening Families Early Help Assessment and Plan
  • Level of assessment
    Strengthening Families > Child in Need Plan or Child Protection Conference
  • Go direct to Service or search the Family Service Directory for the Local Offer, or call the Family Information Service on 01273 293545
  • Early Help Strengthening Families Assessment & Plan. If you require advice or guidance in respect of the child needs contact the Front Door For Families on 01273 290400
  • Contact Front Door For Families on 01273 290400 or if the child is at immediate risk call the Police on 999

Mental Health Support for Young People

The Council have uploaded some helpful advice for keeping children safe and well this Summer, including important information on emotional health and wellbeing support services for young people and parents.

See here for more!

  • 1. Universal

    Has needs met within universal provision. May need limited intervention within the setting to avoid needs arising.

  • 2. Early Help

    Has additional needs identified within the setting that can be met within identified resources through a single agency response and partnership working.

  • 3. Early Help Partnership Plus

    Has multiple needs requiring a multi-agency coordinated response.

  • 4. Specialist Services to address Acute & Chronic need

    Has a high level of unmet & complex needs, or is in need of protection.

  • Child developmental needs
    • Good attendance (above 90%)
    • ×

      Good attendance (above 90%)


      Good attendance (above 90%)

    • Meeting developmental & learning milestones
    • ×

      Meeting developmental & learning milestones


      Meeting developmental & learning milestones

    • Has emotional well-being
    • ×

      Has emotional well-being


      Has emotional well-being

    • Ability to protect self and be protected
    • ×

      Ability to protect self and be protected


      Ability to protect self and be protected

    • Resilient and able to adapt to change
    • ×

      Resilient and able to adapt to change


      Resilient and able to adapt to change

    • Physically healthy
    • ×

      Physically healthy


      Physically healthy

    • Age-appropriate self care & independence skills
    • ×

      Age-appropriate self care & independence skills


      Age-appropriate self care & independence skills

    • Ability to express needs
    • ×

      Ability to express needs


      Ability to express needs

  • Child developmental needs
    • Absence/truancy from school    
    • ×

      Absence/truancy from school


      Absence/truancy from school

    • Incidence of absence/missing from home    
    • ×

      Incidence of absence/missing from home

    • Persistent poor behaviour in school  
    • ×

      Persistent poor behaviour in school


      Persistent poor behaviour in school

    • Risk of social exclusion    
    • ×

      Risk of social exclusion


      Risk of social exclusion

    • Poor relationships  
    • ×

      Poor relationships


      Poor relationships

    • Language and communication difficulties  
    • ×

      Language and communication difficulties


      Language and communication difficulties

    • Disability or additional special educational needs    
    • ×

      Disability or additional special educational needs


      Disability or additional special educational needs

    • Difficulty in achieving in education  
    • ×

      Difficulty in achieving in education


      Difficulty in achieving in education

    • Potential for becoming Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET)    
    • ×

      Potential for becoming Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET)


      Potential for becoming Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET)

    • Slow in meeting developmental milestones    
    • ×

      Slow in meeting developmental milestones


      Slow in meeting developmental milestones

    • Missing health checks/immunisations    
    • ×

      Missing health checks/immunisations

    • Minor health problems  
    • ×

      Minor health problems


      Minor health problems

    • Early signs of offending/anti-social behaviour  
    • ×

      Early signs of offending/anti-social behaviour


      Early signs of offending/anti-social behaviour

    • Underage sexual activity    
    • ×

      Underage sexual activity

    • Early signs of drug/alcohol misuse    
    • ×

      Early signs of drug/alcohol misuse

    • Poor self-esteem    
    • ×

      Poor self-esteem

    • Low level emotional & behavioural issues that may be linked to attachment and/or emotional development delay    
    • ×

      Low level emotional & behavioural issues that may be linked to attachment and/or emotional development delay

    • Young carers    
    • ×

      Young carers

    • Bullying    
    • ×




    • Children who have previously been in Care, and children living away from their birth parents e.g adopted children, Special Guardianship Orders, Kinship Care.  
    • ×

      Children who have previously been in Care, and children living away from their birth parents e.g adopted children, Special Guardianship Orders, Kinship Care.


      Children who have previously been in Care, and children living away from their birth parents e.g adopted children, Special Guardianship Orders, Kinship Care.

  • Child developmental needs
    Despite intervention at 2, there is evidence of continuing and escalating need:
    • Persistent absence from school    
    • ×

      Persistent absence from school


      Persistent absence from school

    • Missing from school/ home regularly with no explanation    
    • ×

      Missing from school/ home regularly with no explanation

    • Fixed Term exclusions/no school place  
    • ×

      Fixed Term exclusions/no school place


      Fixed Term exclusions/no school place

    • Social exclusion    
    • ×

      Social exclusion


      Social exclusion

    • Poor relationships  
    • ×

      Poor relationships


      Poor relationships

    • No access to universal services / “Hidden Children”    
    • ×

      No access to universal services / “Hidden Children”


      No access to universal services / “Hidden Children”

    • Significant disabilities    
    • ×

      Significant disabilities

    • NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training)    
    • ×

      NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training)


      NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training)

    • Developmental milestones not being met due to persistent parental failure/inability    
    • ×

      Developmental milestones not being met due to persistent parental failure/inability


      Developmental milestones not being met due to persistent parental failure/inability

    • Chronic/recurring health problems    
    • ×

      Chronic/recurring health problems


      Chronic/recurring health problems

    • Regular missed appointments affecting developmental progress    
    • ×

      Regular missed appointments affecting developmental progress


      Regular missed appointments affecting developmental progress

    • Teenage pregnancy    
    • ×

      Teenage pregnancy

    • Drug/alcohol misuse impacting negatively    
    • ×

      Drug/alcohol misuse impacting negatively

    • Risky sexual behaviour (e.g. unprotected sex)    
    • ×

      Risky sexual behaviour (e.g. unprotected sex)

    • Offending / anti-social behaviour resulting in risk of entering Youth Justice System  
    • ×

      Offending / anti-social behaviour resulting in risk of entering Youth Justice System


      Offending / anti-social behaviour resulting in risk of entering Youth Justice System

    • Emotional / mental health issues    
    • ×

      Emotional / mental health issues


      Emotional / mental health issues

  • Child developmental needs
    • Chronic persistent absence, permanent exclusions or no school place that risks entry to the care system  
    • ×

      Chronic persistent absence, permanent exclusions or no school place that risks entry to the care system


      Chronic persistent absence, permanent exclusions or no school place that risks entry to the care system

    • Persistent social exclusion    
    • ×

      Persistent social exclusion


      Persistent social exclusion

    • Poor relationships  
    • ×

      Poor relationships


      Poor relationships

    • Complex / multiple disabilities    
    • ×

      Complex / multiple disabilities

    • Complex mental health issues affecting development needs, including self harm    
    • ×

      Complex mental health issues affecting development needs, including self harm


      Complex mental health issues affecting development needs, including self harm

    • High level emotional health issues and very low self-esteem    
    • ×

      High level emotional health issues and very low self-esteem

    • Non-organic failure to thrive  
    • ×

      Non-organic failure to thrive


      Non-organic failure to thrive

    • Inappropriate sexual knowledge / sexualised behaviour for age.    
    • ×

      Inappropriate sexual knowledge / sexualised behaviour for age.


      Inappropriate sexual knowledge / sexualised behaviour for age.

    • Harmful Sexual Behaviour / Peer on Peer Abuse    
    • ×

      Harmful Sexual Behaviour / Peer on Peer Abuse

    • Teenage parent/pregnancy under the age of 13    
    • ×

      Teenage parent/pregnancy under the age of 13

    • Concerns about exploitation (including sexual exploitation/ abuse, radicalisation; criminal exploitation; gang affiliation)    
    • ×

      Concerns about exploitation (including sexual exploitation/ abuse, radicalisation; criminal exploitation; gang affiliation)

    • Child victims of modern slavery or human trafficking    
    • ×

      Child victims of modern slavery or human trafficking


      Child victims of modern slavery or human trafficking

    • Unaccompanied minors    
    • ×

      Unaccompanied minors

    • Drug/alcohol use severely impairing development    
    • ×

      Drug/alcohol use severely impairing development

    • Frequently missing from home resulting in self-neglect    
    • ×

      Frequently missing from home resulting in self-neglect

    • Relationship breakdown between child & parent    
    • ×

      Relationship breakdown between child & parent

    • Offending and in the criminal justice system    
    • ×

      Offending and in the criminal justice system


      Offending and in the criminal justice system

    • Unexplained / suspicious injury    
    • ×

      Unexplained / suspicious injury

  • Family & Environment
    • Positive relationship between parents
    • ×

      Positive relationship between parents


      Positive relationship between parents

    • Stable & affectionate relationships with caregivers
    • ×

      Stable & affectionate relationships with caregivers


      Stable & affectionate relationships with caregivers

    • Housed, good diet and kept healthy
    • ×

      Housed, good diet and kept healthy


      Housed, good diet and kept healthy

    • Supportive networks
    • ×

      Supportive networks


      Supportive networks

    • Access to positive activities
    • ×

      Access to positive activities


      Access to positive activities

    • Positive sense of self and abilities
    • ×

      Positive sense of self and abilities


      Positive sense of self and abilities

  • Family & Environment
    • Children of prisoners/ parents subject to community orders    
    • ×

      Children of prisoners/ parents subject to community orders

    • Low income affects achievement    
    • ×

      Low income affects achievement

    • Parental conflict and risk of relationship breakdown    
    • ×

      Parental conflict and risk of relationship breakdown

    • Concerns about possible domestic abuse    
    • ×

      Concerns about possible domestic abuse

  • Family & Environment
    • Housing tenancy at risk    
    • ×

      Housing tenancy at risk


      Housing tenancy at risk

    • Harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown    
    • ×

      Harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown


      Harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown

    • Transient families  
    • ×

      Transient families


      Transient families

    • Domestic abuse & coercive control    
    • ×

      Domestic abuse & coercive control

    • No recourse to public funds    
    • ×

      No recourse to public funds

  • Family & Environment
    • Significantly harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown    
    • ×

      Significantly harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown


      Significantly harmful parental conflict and/or relationship breakdown

    • Suspicion of physical, emotional or sexual abuse or neglect    
    • ×

      Suspicion of physical, emotional or sexual abuse or neglect


      Suspicion of physical, emotional or sexual abuse or neglect

    • Domestic abuse resulting in child being at risk of significant harm    
    • ×

      Domestic abuse resulting in child being at risk of significant harm

    • Homeless Child/Young Person    
    • ×

      Homeless Child/Young Person

    • Family intentionally homeless    
    • ×

      Family intentionally homeless

    • Extreme poverty affecting child well-being    
    • ×

      Extreme poverty affecting child well-being


      Extreme poverty affecting child well-being

    • Forced Marriage, Honour Based Violence, Female Genital Mutilation    
    • ×

      Forced Marriage, Honour Based Violence, Female Genital Mutilation

  • Parents & Carers
    • Protected by carers
    • ×

      Protected by carers


      Protected by carers

    • Secure and caring home
    • ×

      Secure and caring home


      Secure and caring home

    • Receive and act on information, advice and guidance
    • ×

      Receive and act on information, advice and guidance


      Receive and act on information, advice and guidance

    • Appropriate boundaries maintained
    • ×

      Appropriate boundaries maintained


      Appropriate boundaries maintained

  • Parents & Carers
    • Inconsistent care arrangements  
    • ×

      Inconsistent care arrangements


      Inconsistent care arrangements

    • Poor supervision by parent/carer    
    • ×

      Poor supervision by parent/carer


      Poor supervision by parent/carer

    • Poor response to child’s physical, emotional or health needs    
    • ×

      Poor response to child’s physical, emotional or health needs


      Poor response to child’s physical, emotional or health needs

    • Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)  
    • ×

      Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)


      Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)

  • Parents & Carers
    • Parental learning or physical disability, substance misuse, or mental health impacts on parenting    
    • ×

      Parental learning or physical disability, substance misuse, or mental health impacts on parenting

    • Inconsistent care arrangements  
    • ×

      Inconsistent care arrangements


      Inconsistent care arrangements

    • Poor supervision by parent/carer  
    • ×

      Poor supervision by parent/carer


      Poor supervision by parent/carer

    • Poor response to identified needs    
    • ×

      Poor response to identified needs


      Poor response to identified needs

    • Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences  
    • ×

      Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences


      Historic context of parents/carers own childhood, i.e Adverse Childhood Experiences

  • Parents & Carers
    • Edge of care  
    • ×

      Edge of care


      Edge of care

    • Parental encouragement of abusive/offending behaviour
    • ×

      Parental encouragement of abusive/offending behaviour


      Parental encouragement of abusive/offending behaviour

    • Continuing poor supervision in the home    
    • ×

      Continuing poor supervision in the home

    • Parental non-compliance / superficial co-operation    
    • ×

      Parental non-compliance / superficial co-operation

    • Inconsistent parenting affects child’s developmental progress  
    • ×

      Inconsistent parenting affects child’s developmental progress


      Inconsistent parenting affects child’s developmental progress

    • Private fostering    
    • ×

      Private fostering

  • Level of assessment
    No formal assessment
  • Level of assessment
    Consider commencement of Early Help Assessment / Pastoral Support Plan
  • Level of assessment
    Strengthening Families Early Help Assessment and Plan
  • Level of assessment
    Strengthening Families > Child in Need Plan or Child Protection Conference
  • Go direct to Service or search the Family Service Directory for the Local Offer, or call the Family Information Service on 01273 293545
  • Early Help Strengthening Families Assessment & Plan. If you require advice or guidance in respect of the child needs contact the Front Door For Families on 01273 290400
  • Contact Front Door For Families on 01273 290400 or if the child is at immediate risk call the Police on 999