Developing a Core Understanding

Location:Brighton & Hove
Type:LSCB Multi-agency training
Duration:9.30 - 4.30

Why is the LSCB providing this course?

This is the first of three core courses to provide staff from all agencies, (within the statutory and voluntary sectors), with an introduction to how agencies work to keep children and young people within the city of Brighton & Hove safe.

This safeguarding training is implicit in keeping children and young people safe from all aspects of abuse, be they sexual, physical, neglect or emotional.

It will develop your understanding of how the inter-agency working arrangements are put in place and how early help interventions can be utilised within safeguarding procedures. It will also raise your awareness of the issues with regard to all elements of abusive behaviour toward children and young people.

It is recommended that anyone new to safeguarding undertakes this training in conjunction with the other two days of “working together”, and that all three days are completed, before moving on to attending any of the more specialised training provided by the LSCB.

Target Audience:

Members of staff, who work predominantly with children, young people and their families, parents or carers, and who could potentially contribute to the assessment, intervention and reviewing the safeguarding needs for a child or young person, where there are safeguarding concerns, and or potential risks.

Learning Outcomes:

  • To be able to describe and understand the roles and responsibilities of the other professionals involved in safeguarding children and young people
  • To gain an understanding of the interactions that can be undertaken in safeguarding, with an awareness of the early help systems to enhance this.
  • To be able to describe the categories of abuse, and the potential indicators of these
  • To have an ability, to identify what factors place some children or young people at increased risk of harm or abuse
  • To know how, when, where and with whom to share information



To book a place on our safeguarding training use the Brighton & Hove Learning Gateway 

For support or enquiries about using the gateway please call 01273 291460 or email

Training is free for Children’s Services staff, school staff, foster carers, CVS groups, BHCC contracted organisations in Children’s Services, statutory health organisations, police and probation and all early years (including private early years) who are working in Brighton & Hove. Private organisations and those working outside the city – £120