Harmful Practices: basic awareness working with victims of female genital mutilation

Duration:3 hours

This training, from the Safe in the City Partnership, will explore the definitions and practices associated with female genital mutilation (FGM), including the various forms and the cultural background to the practice. It will explore the physical and psychological impact FGM will have on a woman’s wellbeing as a historic victim of FGM as well as the impact it will have on a young girl who has recently or soon to experience FGM. These forms of violence and abuse will also be contextualised within a wider context of Violence against Women and Girls (VAWG).

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the briefing session, participants will:

    • Know what constitutes FGM
    • Understand reasons given for performing FGM and the impacts it has on individuals
    • Be able to recognise indicators that a women/girl has had/is at risk of FGM
    • Understand current legislation around FGM
    • Be able to respond appropriately to cases including referring to the appropriate agencies



To book a place on our safeguarding training use the Brighton & Hove Learning Gateway 

For support or enquiries about using the gateway please call 01273 291460 or email learning@brighton-hove.gov.uk

Training is free for Children’s Services staff, school staff, foster carers, CVS groups, BHCC contracted organisations in Children’s Services, statutory health organisations, police and probation and all early years (including private early years) who are working in Brighton & Hove. Private organisations and those working outside the city – £120