Hidden Children & Young People: Working with Invisible Families

Type:Multi Agency Training
Duration:Full Day

This course is under development

Why is the LSCB providing this course?

This offer is an important addition to our programme, there are numbers of children, who remain “hidden” from mainstream service. This could be because they are placed with a non-family member for more than 28 days, are transient due to lifestyle choices made by their parents/carers, are educated other than at school or have entered the UK with parents/carers and have no access to services. All of these factors may cause a heightened risk and lack of safeguarding provision. This session will consider those who may be:

  • Privately Fostered
  • Home Educated
  • Traveller Families
  • Migrant Families
  • Modern Slavery

Target Audience:

Members of staff, who work predominantly with children, young people and their families, parents or carers, and who could potentially contribute to the assessment, intervention and reviewing the safeguarding needs for a child or young person, where there are safeguarding concerns, and or potential risks.

Learning Outcomes:

  • To gain an understanding what constitutes a private fostering arrangement.
  • To enable an awareness of the legal duty the local authority has towards a private fostering arrangement
  • An understanding of the local arrangements for liaison with Travelling Families
  • How the local authority supports “home educated” families/children
  • To equip professionals with background knowledge to support working with a child or family from a refugee or migrant background
  • How safeguarding procedures are applied in these circumstances



To book a place on our safeguarding training use the Brighton & Hove Learning Gateway 

For support or enquiries about using the gateway please call 01273 291460 or email learning@brighton-hove.gov.uk

Training is free for Children’s Services staff, school staff, foster carers, CVS groups, BHCC contracted organisations in Children’s Services, statutory health organisations, police and probation and all early years (including private early years) who are working in Brighton & Hove. Private organisations and those working outside the city – £120