LSCB – Neglect – Seminar

Type:Training Event
Duration:Full Day

Safeguarding Children Partnerships across Sussex have long recognised that Neglect remains a priority issue for our locality and the children and young people within it. It is also known that neglect often forms part of sexual or physical abuse and will have an emotional effect on those involved.

All children deserve the chance to grow up in a loving, secure family where they can achieve their full potential. Sadly, we recognise that not all children have the same experiences and not all children in our local authority areas are brought up in families able to care for them effectively. The impact of neglect on children and young people is enormous.

Neglect causes great distress to children, leading to poor health, educational and social outcomes and can be potentially fatal. Child neglect is the most common and pervasive type of abuse in the UK today and requires a coordinated and rigorous professional response at all levels.

The day will look at how aspects of neglect have been involved in recent Learning Reviews and Serious Case Reviews across our localities.

Each area’s implementation of interventions and local strategies to reduce the potential risks for our children and young people will also be explored

There will be a multi-agency panel from partners to take questions and provide insight into how safeguarding partners are dealing with issues of neglect from their own organisations perspective.

Target Audience

All safeguarding staff, working with children and young people, colleagues from the community voluntary sector, and any other member of staff to whom the outcomes of serious case reviews and learning reviews apply.

Learning Outcomes

To consider the aspects of neglect that have been recognised in local learning reviews

To understand how neglect was highlighted in local serious case reviews

To gain an awareness of how local safeguarding partnerships are implementing processes to recognise and intervene at an earlier stage


To book a place on our safeguarding training use the Brighton & Hove Learning Gateway 

For support or enquiries about using the gateway please call 01273 291460 or email

Training is free for Children’s Services staff, school staff, foster carers, CVS groups, BHCC contracted organisations in Children’s Services, statutory health organisations, police and probation and all early years (including private early years) who are working in Brighton & Hove. Private organisations and those working outside the city – £120