LSCB – Working with Childhood Trauma ( an Inside View)

Type:Training Event
Duration:Half Day

Aliyah Ali is founder of Daddyless Daughters, and was herself a “looked after child” she has gone on to work with various agencies to promote the need to recognise and support other young people who also found themselves in potentially high risk situations and at risk from exploitation.

“My life as a child was very complex and as a result I suffered from a lot of trauma. I made a lot of bad decisions, lacking identity and not believing in myself. For the most part of what I can remember about my childhood, I was away from my family and grew up in children’s homes”.

A huge part of providing a therapeutic service is meeting people where they are at.

In order for me to provide the best content for your teams I will need to know what areas in safeguarding would you like further development.

With both my lived experiences of being a looked after child and my professional experience of working with looked after children, I have a unique eye in understanding young peoples needs.

Target Audience

All safeguarding professionals, working with children, young people and their families. In particular those working with adolescents.

Learning Outcomes 

– Explore your values and feelings in relation to child abuse, grooming and exploitation and recognise the potential impact of responses

– Ways to identify, recognise and implement good trauma informed and therapeutic practice

– What to be aware of when taking action

– Recognise and respond to possible signs of grooming and exploitation


To book a place on our safeguarding training use the Brighton & Hove Learning Gateway 

For support or enquiries about using the gateway please call 01273 291460 or email

Training is free for Children’s Services staff, school staff, foster carers, CVS groups, BHCC contracted organisations in Children’s Services, statutory health organisations, police and probation and all early years (including private early years) who are working in Brighton & Hove. Private organisations and those working outside the city – £120