Safeguarding Allegations Regarding People in a Position of Trust

Type:Safeguard the City event
Duration:3 hours


Safeguarding Allegations Regarding People in a Position of Trust
5 December 2-5pm – book here


This briefing is for Employers and Practitioners completing Section 42 Safeguarding Enquiries, DBS Referrals and information sharing between agencies. It references the revised Care Act Statutory Guidance and will provide an update on the role of the Designated Adult Safeguarding Manager within the local authority. It will help you describe how to manage concerns which involve persons in a position of trust, and understand when to refer to the DASM for advice and guidance on procedure and liaison with partners


This session is presented as part of the Learning Together to Safeguard the City Week where Brighton & Hove Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB), the Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB) and the Safe in The City Partnership Board come together to raise awareness of safeguarding issues and promote how we can best work together to protect, and improve outcomes for, the most vulnerable in our society.

The aim of this week is to reveal and debate some of the most important issues in our city which affect individuals, their families and the wider community, as well as exploring the responsibilities of professionals in their everyday work and their contribution in keeping people safe and well.

All sessions can be booked through the Brighton & Hove Learning Gateway: