It is important that we work together to spot the signs of CSE and know who to report any concerns to. As such we have produced a Multi-Agency Resource Pack, in partnership with the Safe in the City Partnership and with assistance from The Wise Project. This will equip professionals and the wider community with information on how to respond to concerns about sexual exploitation in Brighton & Hove. Please read the resource pack here
Brighton & Hove LSCB have identified tackling sexual harm and violence towards children as a priority area of business on our 2016 – 19 Business Plan. We want to continue our work with all agencies and communities to ensure that the services provided to eradicate CSE are easy to access, joined up and effective. Whilst developing this plane we spoke to local children who agreed that Sexual Harm is very important to focus on stopping, rating its importance as 5 out of 5 and saying ‘They [children] need to be talked to about this so they know how to keep safe and make the right choices and decisions’
We are officially launching this resource pack on Friday 18th March – National CSE Awareness Day. Organised by the NWG Network, the purpose of this day is to highlight the issues surrounding CSE; encouraging everyone to think, spot and speak out against this abuse. You can show your support by writing a personal pledge on the 18th March and posting to your social media with the hashtag #HelpingHands to help raise awareness of Child Sexual Exploitation. Find out more at and view our Helping Hands pledges from 2015 here
CSE Training
The LSCB in partnership with The Wise Project run two multi-agency training courses on Child Sexual Exploitation. The first day Preventing & Disrupting the Sexual Exploitation of Children & Young People helps professionals understand the sexual exploitation of children and young people and what places a young person at risk; equips them with knowledge of prevalence and forms of young people’s sexual exploitation in Brighton & Hove; helps them recognise vulnerabilities and risk indicators; and tells them how to get support for young people who are exploited.
The second day Child Sexual Exploitation: Working with Young People at Risk goes on to help provide workers with the confidence and skills to work with young people around issues relating to CSE, and includes an enhanced focus on online safety and police disruption techniques as well as an outline of the local picture of CSE with reference to serious case review recommendations.
If you are worried about a child in Brighton & Hove call the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub on 01273 290400, or contact Sussex Police on 101 quoting Operation Kite to share concerns about CSE.
Has needs met within universal provision. May need limited intervention within the setting to avoid needs arising.
Has additional needs identified within the setting that can be met within identified resources through a single agency response and partnership working.
Has multiple needs requiring a multi-agency coordinated response.
Has a high level of unmet & complex needs, or is in need of protection.
Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) traps children in a world of misery – but every time an exploited child comes into contact with a professional, there’s an opportunity for someone to notice something, say something, do something…
Exploited children come into contact with doctors, nurses, sexual health practitioners, social workers, teachers and youth workers. When children who had experienced CSE were interviewed was found that:
from “I thought I was the only one.” The Office of the Children’s Commissioner for their Inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation in Gangs and Groups Interim report November 2012:
If you work with children in a hospital, clinic, health centre, A&E or any other area, you are in a unique position to notice the signs of CSE and help end the nightmare. But only if you know what to look for.
What is CSE?
CSE – Child Sexual Exploitation – is when a child (any girl or boy under age 18) is forced or manipulated into sexual activity in return for affection, gifts, money, drugs or alcohol.
CSE can be carried out by individuals, by street gangs or by groups. It happens in the real world and online. It can be motivated by money or by sexual gratification. But in all cases, there is an imbalance of power – vulnerable children are controlled and abused by adults or by other children.
Perpetrators gain control over children by grooming them, offering excitement, drugs, alcohol, gifts and affection. As the exploitation gets worse, terrifying threats and violence may be used to keep children compliant. They are sexually exploited not just by the original perpetrators but often by many other abusers.
Exploited children are trapped because they often believe the abuse is their own fault – they fear they will be blamed or punished if they tell anyone what is happening. They are ashamed of what they are forced to do and are scared they will not be believed.
In many cases, children believe they are in a loving relationship with their exploiter. What’s more the perpetrator will do everything they can to isolate children further by convincing them that no-one cares about them, and that professionals are to be feared and avoided.
Read more about the signs of CSE or book a place on our multi-agency training course Preventing & Disrupting the Sexual Exploitation of Children & Young People
What could prevent you from recognising the signs of CSE?
There are a number of assumptions, myths and misunderstandings that can lead even vigilant professionals to miss the signs of CSE. Professionals need to be clear about the key issues:
Exploited children almost invariably believe they are in a consensual relationship, voluntarily engaging in sexual activity with the person who is exploiting them. But a child cannot by law consent to being sexually exploited
The fact that a child is 16 or 17 years old and has reached the legal age of being able to consent to sex does not mean that they are not being sexually exploited.
Giving children labels (such as ‘promiscuous’ or ‘engaging in risky behaviour’ or ‘a danger to themselves’) implies that they are complicit in the exploitation and somehow therefore responsible for their own abuse. But for exploited children, saying ‘no’ isn’t an option – failure to comply with demands for sex are likely to result in serious harm to them and/or their family. Professionals need to consider the possibility of coercion.
Boys can be victims of CSE too – and they are most often identified by services due to their criminal behaviour. So professionals need to look at criminal behaviour as a possible indicator of underlying problems or risk of CSE – just as it would be for girls. Going missing and having an older ‘girlfriend’ are also often missed as indicators of a boy being at risk of CSE.
Challenging vs vulnerable
Children who are being sexually exploited may appear abusive and anti-social and may become involved in bullying and exploitative activities towards others. This can make it hard for professionals to recognise and respond to the young people’s vulnerability.
60% of CSE happens online. Professionals need know how to monitor online spaces and request access reports where they have suspicions that a child is being groomed online, for example, at school, youth groups or in libraries.
What to do if you suspect CSE
Call the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) on 01273 290400
If you believe a child is, or could be, in immediate danger, call 999
If you have concerns that a child might be at risk of CSE, call Sussex Police on 101
Try to speak to the child alone, ask questions.
If a child tells you they are being sexually exploited, listen to them, believe them, and reassure them that you will take action to keep them safe.
Make sure you know who the child protection lead is in your workplace and that you are aware of the procedure to follow if you have concerns about a child.
Further guidance can be found in ‘Safeguarding Children and Young People from Sexual Exploitation
There are many resources available online for professionals, many of which are free to use. – an online course designed to help health professionals identify children who are at risk of or have been sexually abused. – an e-learning tool for professionals on how to keep children safe online – a useful app from Barnardo’s that you can download. Wud U? is a free educational tool that aims to show young people the behaviours that could put them at risk of being sexually exploited, through illustrated, interactive stories.
Has needs met within universal provision. May need limited intervention within the setting to avoid needs arising.
Has additional needs identified within the setting that can be met within identified resources through a single agency response and partnership working.
Has multiple needs requiring a multi-agency coordinated response.
Has a high level of unmet & complex needs, or is in need of protection.